Everything. A name defines something. It makes it unique. Your name is important, just as MSFS2024 is important.
It was Asobo’s Laissez-faire attitude that got us where we are.
If you don’t think that this mess has not created tension between the companies and the staff who didn’t manage it well, then explain why those smiling people haven’t been on videos telling us how good everything is.
I bet there have been personnel changes made, but that is just my opinion.
There wasn’t really a need to even have one. As several folks have pointed out here before, “MSFS2020” was not named as such at release. It was just “Microsoft Flight Simulator” with no year. Instead of tagging the latest version with a fixed year, they could have just called it MSFS: Part Deux, or MSFS: The Reckoning or more seriously, they could have just called it Microsoft Flight Simulator: Limitless. That was already the internal code name.
Well, to be fair a lot of hard(er) core customers -you know, folks like us who hang out here, report bugs, hang out at Q&As- are very adamant about only using the highest fidelity, most complex planes, which means depending on the most expensive add-ons. That makes compatibility a very, very serious issue for a simulator that promised it