Things that you like with MSFS 2024

Let us have thread with the improvements/good things in MSFS 2024 that you like (there are plenty of other threads for the issues!)

Just been flying for a couple of hours but there are definitely some huge improvements!

  • Ground handling feels much better and more natural
  • Loading times are much faster, I like the seamless world map!
  • Lighting is much improved, ranging from night to various stages of daylight, feels more realistic now
  • Love the ability to walk around and inspect the plane
  • I personally think the UI is better, but I understand that’s very subject, it feels more modern and crisp
  • Seasons makes a big difference, I didn’t realize how much of a difference it makes until now
  • The built-in flight planner and maps are leaps above any default system I ever seen in a flight sim
  • Vegetation gives a more natural feeling than before, it feels more organic

Just some noticeable things I already enjoy!


The TV towers I use in my area for local VFR flights are stock now. (Have to load VFR Towers package in MSFS2020).

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Trees, rocks, etc.

New aerials

Faster loading times


I really like the new theme music !


Seems someone misread the title of this thread to be “things that you hate” instead of “things that you like”.

It’s got a nice loading screen…

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Id like to contribute to this post but 2 days in now and still cant get in.

Loading screen and music is quite nice so far. Enjoyed it for nearly 10 hours now.


I like the concept of Career Mode and the concept of the detailed Flight Training.
Once they are functional, I’ll be very happy.

I am waiting to grab the 2TB SSD this weekend and will see if the servers are doing better to buy and install it. But I am certain it is full of great values for the years to come (not mentioning the free content updates and goodies we will see)…

Honestly, there’s a lot to love here.

A lot of this is probably repeated:

  • The walkarounds. OMG, the walk arounds. I’ve been wanting this since FS95.
  • Get out of the plane and walk to the terminal. So nice. Really good for the feel of the game.
  • Hot air balloon. It’s kitschy and silly and I love it. The very first aircraft I was ever in was a hot air balloon. It’s what made me first fall in love with aviation.
  • wake turbulence. I was flying formation with friends last night and got right in behind them and the buffeting was real
  • The transition from map to flight. It’s a little thing to have the zoom in instead of “pop, here you are” but it makes the whole thing feel more polished than 2020
  • Career mode shows promise
  • That I’m in what appears to be a very exclusive club of people who don’t hate it.

And I just got update that my collectors edition has shipped, so soon I’ll be moving off gamepass and into the full pack. Looking forward to it.


the roads and bridges have been improved! I like!


So far:

Lighting and shadows
Ground handling
Ground scenery dynamics and interaction
Walkaround mode
The presence of the Grumman Albatross
Overall performance

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Not sure it’s the case everywhere, but I saw a bunch of road that no longer had the green tint they had in 2020!

Things I like:

  • Nothing

Celestial objects and their motion is way more accurate, no more inaccurate solar eclipses. Better atmospheric scattering.


Lots of VFR details everywhere.

Speaking about walkaround: i like it but i’d like having the option to skip it at all (simulating my buddy doing the task for me).

We do after all have a copilot… whether we put one in the weight and balance or not…

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I’m thrilled to have 2024. 2020, without a yoke, pedals, … was a challenge and I faded away from it. Now I’m on a MASSIVE computer with 3 AMD Radeon Pro W6700s and 18 32" 4K monitors.

I quickly found out this sim only supports 8 monitors currently, but if you’re interested, here’s a short video of my 6 monitors currently working. Tweaking them to be perfect is tedious.

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The two killer features for me are the new ground elements (grass, flowers, vegetation, snow, etc.) and the high-resolution mountains. This is so much better than in 2020 which was looking quite horrible on ground or close to mountains.

I also really like the first-person walk-around mode; it provides a sense of scale that wasn’t there before. Walking around a small airfield, surrounded by flowers with the towering Mount Fuji in the background, was stunning.

Other good features: seasons and missions (although on the later, there is clearly room for improvements).