Thinking of getting into VR

I think you’ve made the right choice. But don’t expect miracles or you’ll be disappointed. It won’t look as good as a 4K monitor and the G2 has a small sweetspot (the area of the G2’s display that is crisp).

Good choice!
Flying with Reverb G2 on 11900K and RTX3080 and i love it.

Good choice! There’s really no alternative to the G2 for sims atm IMO. It’s excellent

I’m dead excited!

Really hope i get on with it. I’ll definately try playing other games, although i don’t have masses of space in my room, however i’m tempted to move my whole setup down into the lounge now

When you decide to sell it let me know :rofl::rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That reminds me, i need to sell my Z490 and i9 10850k.

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I dont have much space either.
Mostly flying in MSFS and racing in different race-sims with Playseat Challenge-Fanatec setup.

VR in airlines is just a new amazing world.
I have a G2 and just a 3060Ti and I get acceptable performance even with the Fenix (30 fps airborne, 20+ stock airports, slightly below 20 custom airports).
The real game changer is the OXR toolkit for VR.
If you have enough room behind you, with the Fenix you can get up, turn around, walk through the galley and enter the passenger cabin. Just wow!

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I did the same thing in another plane and mashed my face into the wall. Just “OW!” :crazy_face:

Hahaha…yes…what a strange funny and painful experience :rofl:

More like plug and pray!

…since you already must have sold a kidney to get your present rig, go the whole nine yards: sell another kidney and get yourself the Aero!

There is only one thing better in VR than good clarity, and that is even more clarity. On that account, the Aero delivers. Else, I would go for the G2. Very decent headset, and no need for external tracking.

Either way, you will not regret the decision to switch to VR. Most likely, you will never return to 2D…

LOL this may indeed happen. But the visual sensation is worth the pain…

Better than selling a kidney: sell one of your eyes, you’ll only need half a G2

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i must admit it from all the videos i’ve watched on youtube, VR does seem pretty daunting to set up as there seems to be so many programs that need setting up?

Hopefully it gets shipped tomorrow for a Tuesday/Wednesday delivery. I’m working nights too at the moment, so will have a bit of time in the daytime to have a go at setting it up

Also i’m hoping someone can give me some info

Can i still fly with my Airbus joystick/Throttle/Flaps/Gear setup?

Can i still use my mouse for toggling switches in the cockpit? or will everything have to be done with the handheld controllers?

I’d love to be able to still use my mouse for toggling switches, and use the headset for looking around as i feel like that would be better?

The answer is yes to all of the above.

But give the controllers at least a try, I personally find it much more immersive to lean forward and turn some knobs than to use the mouse. But many hate it, or can’t because of hardware in front of them. For me it works in some planes, but not others.

And yes, VR is fiddly sometimes. And MSFS is buggy. You need patience, workarounds, compromises but for me there is no going back, the added immersion is worth it IMO.

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Oh for sure i’ll give them a try!

i’m just so used to using my mouse for toggling switches, that it’s strange to even contemplate another method of doing so :rofl:

Also, be prepared for a bit of…getting used to it.
When I first got my Rift S many years ago, my only previous experience was with GearVR (which is not true 6DOF) so I was kinda used to the 3d effect and looking around, but 6DOF was a bit nauseating at first. I couldn’t do more than 10 mins before I needed a break. You’re body might be confused a bit at first.

Nowadays I can spend hours in VR no problem, the biggest issue is fogging/sweating a bit after a while.

yeah i thought getting used to it may take take some time, I’m very patient with things like this, so will not give up, and i’ll start with little and often and go from there.

I just cant wait to see whats in store, it really does seem like a no going back kinda thing

Is it really that immersive? I mean from someone who’s never done it, Does it really change things that much?