Disclaimer, I am not a real life pilot just a wannabe, lol.
I was thinking of subscribing to Foreflight for flight planning, just wanted to know what other simmers and community thoughts on this product, . Is there much difference to the freeware little navmap. I like to take my flight planning serious, I am also a suscriber to Navigraph and use simbrief.
Edit: maybe this topic should of been posted in 3rd party…my apologies, my bad.
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Fltplan Go is certified as well for real aviation and it’s free.
However, it’s only for North America.
CheersI know, I like to travel the world, and in different planes. Depends what mood suits me, getting more into GA…before I was Airliners and jets. Also my flights suits my work, as I do shift work including nights, I seem to only fly real time and real weather. Cant break the habit.
ForeFlight is awesome. I use it, but I am also a pilot irl. This is how I justify the price. But even for my real life flying, I am leaning more and more towards AirMate. It’s a free EFB available for IOS and Android, though the iOS version is more advanced. Is it the same as ForeFlight ?, no. But it is a real world EFB that I used several times for real flying and it is free. Hard to beat it works perfectly fine with MSFS too.
So if it is just for simming, I’d start there in my honest opinion.
But even if later on you’d like to get a license, AirMate works just fine.
I use FLTPLAN GO in the Real world (I am in Canada…) and when using the Sim within North America… for most of the rest of the “simtainment” use… as in nothing to do with real preparation I just use the Navigraph App on my iPad…
Thanks I will def look into that
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So you think Navigraph and simbrief do the Job, but Simbrief and navigraph are more IFR than VFR…as much as I love to fly, but getting more into GA as well, obviously not IRL like you, so jelous.
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It’s just that I don’t see what advantage Foreflight is going to give you…
Much of the Planning in VFR is well… “straight lines” you have your departure, your Set Heading point and then destination… that is why lot’s of pilots (especially in the US) will cancel IFR when they are are in VMC conditions since they can then just go direct and not have to be vectored or sent on a fixed arrival for IFR separation…
Spending money on Navigraph gives you the benefit of updating the Sim to current Data and access to Jep charts and maps…
I don’t see what Foreflight gains you in the sim… Synthetic Vision? you have that with the G1000 + AC… Check lists? You can have those in FLTPLAN GO and other apps… Performance depending on the Aircraft you fly you can use POH Performance… also free real world apps that are great…
I just don’t see any value in spending that kind of subscription if you are not using it in the real world when you can spend it on things like Navigraph that will help out your entire sim experience.
As a real pilot, I say start with FltPlan Go. To this day, it’s what I use primarily (though I’m a US pilot).
Fltplan Go has US, Canada, Caribbean incl Cuba. It will give you maps and approaches and it’s free.
As your understanding and needs evolve and you get comfortable with a tool like this, you can always pay to upgrade to Foreflight or Garmin pilot later to fly other parts of the world. Foreflight and Garmin pilot never come on discount so you’re not missing anything.
Whatever you choose, make sure you DO NOT actually file your flight plans. Very Important!
If I’m just doing flight planning and am worried that I may accidentally file due to muscle memory, I’ll add in the comment block: “DO NOT FILE - PLANNING ONLY”
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Thank you so much for the explanation, appreciate it, this is why I asked the question especially from real world pilots that do simming as well, because I enjoy flight planning…fuel…wind, vor navigation. Also believe me I know this is simming not the real world…but I enjoy this hobby, and I know I am in my own little world flying my planes, but I like to keep it as realistic as possible in the sim world.
No I would never do that, I hope
You Can’t… you would have to have all of the valid pilot data fields and aircraft fields and data in your profile…
If you sign up and don’t have any real data for those entries then it will fail to file… Same as if I try to file with a different plane and don’t have the ICAO filing data set correctly for that plane…
However if you use it in the real world then yes you would have all that data and you could by accident log a flight plan with your default plane and pilot information…
He could make up some sim information and end up accidentally filing.
Just making it clear what not to do since he’s new.
If MSFS simulated aviation accurately enough, perhaps a paid flight planner could be useful. But for MSFS in its current state, LittleNavMap does (much more than) suffice.
With respect Sir, I was not asking about the state of MSFS, there are plenty of negative threads about how bad MSFS is. Thank you for your input, and I am fully aware of my issues with MSFS…
Considering you have to Check this box after filling in your valid information including a Valid Pilot’s licenses… Yeah I don’t think he is going to accidentally file a flight plan… He might get emails from Fltplan or his account banned if they get lots of attempts and failures from him…
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Definatly not, I found Vatsim my first time scary…but coped . Managed ok…due to pilot2atc practicing my voice…Mind you I dont know what the controllers said behind my back.
Vatsim is harder than real life sometimes … trying to figure out when and where to contact which controller… full coverage vs partial coverage… Then controllers that don’t actually know what real world procedures are… ie you can take off VFR and pickup your IFR when airborne but before getting into controlled airspace etc… Sometimes also the phraseology is off… Or my favourite a controller that wants to practice “Pushing Tin” and constantly changes up runways or takes you off the arrival/approach you planned cause they want to vector you… yeah fun times…
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To be fair it was not a busy airport, made sure it was limited…prior to that I was an observer for over a week before I took the plunge. Thats why I asked my original question, about flight planning tools.
I think I have a solution, I am happy for the Moderator to close this discussion, because I dont want to get to the discussion how bad MSFS. and XP11 vs MSFS again.
Note, thank you guys for all the remarks really appreciate your time and effort, happy flying. Whether its what platform you choose and enjoy.
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