This forum is doing some really weird things lately

It is very slow to open, takes a while to finally get to the screen with horizontal dots moving in the middle of the scree and when you go to another topic it freezes. I have a fast internet connection and I am on a Mac Pro running Catalina. Anyone else notice this???


I’m on the MacBook atm while the kids are bowling on 4G and its fine

Completely fine on ipad & iphone

No problems here.
PC / Win11

Same setup as Begotten, no problems either.

Sometimes for me it runs slowly but it’s probably once a day (and I check this forum a lot) where it will stall on loading.

Typically re-loading the site fixes it. Running on a fast Windows 11 PC on Chrome and an iPhone on Chrome as well.

I found the “unread” page was taking very long to load, or not loading at all, with ff on my phone. It was an issue for days. Eventually I cleared the cookies and site data for this site and that fixed it immediately.

I didn’t look to see what data was stored, but sometimes sites can build up local data over time and they can really slow down. This would be due to bad code or a bug on the site. I never had such a problem on this forum before, but there have been software upgrades over recent months and maybe they’ve introduced something new. Such a thing would probably only impact frequent users.

I will get slow loading of the sites web pages with the 3 dots in the middle from time to time when I’m on my phone in an area with a very poor signal.

I am on a very fast internet connection and every so often all I see are the three dots for maybe 30 to 45 seconds. Also sometimes the forum loads to a blank page and I have to go back and start the whole opening process again. No other site does this so I don’t think it is my computer…

I too have been noticing it for several weeks now. It’s not serious in my case, just a five-second or so delay with the three dots on first loading the forum. Thereafter it’s ok.

I have fast, reliable internet so I think it’s the forum software, as it doesn’t happen anywhere else.