What are the latest thoughts on the Saitek G X56 HOTAS Stick and Throttle combo? I am considering getting one for GA twin engine flying and would like to know Good, Bad or just Ugly. It seems reasonably priced, looks reasonably solid with a pretty good range of switches, buttons etc. If not that, then what?
I currently use the Thrustmaster TWCS throttle with T1600 stick and T Flight pedals.
I’ve had the X56 for almost a year now. Love the extra switches but the cool looking throttle levers will not stay in the position you set them to from about the 40% to 95% throttle range. They both will creep forward no matter how much adjustment you make to prevent the creeping.
The flight stick is excellent but the throttle levers are a no go.
I recently purchased the Turtle Beach Velocity One controls and the throttle levers are much better. I now use the TBV1 along with the X56 flight stick (dumped the X56 throttle).
You can keep the throttle in check by adjusting the outer dead-band within the sim.
I have an X-52 that does the same thing. Just tweak those settings and your good to go.
The X56 will not be an improvement over the T16000, since they both use the same type of cup-and-socket gimbal.
The VKB Gladiator NXT Evo is a far superior joystick to anything made by TM or Logitech / Saitek, in terms of flying feel, build quality and features. It has proper bearings, adjustable spring rates, contactless sensors, adjustable damping clutches, a throttle slider in the base and some powerful configuration software. It also costs less than the X56.
Yes, in it’s basic stick form it doesn’t have the same number of buttons as the X56, but initially you could keep using the TWCS, and in future you could add further VKB NXT modules including throttles to make it into a very capable HOTAS.
Thank you folks. Certainly some food for thought there, I hadn’t really considered a ‘mix and match’ option but one worth thinking about.
Here’s my Gladiator with the Throttle module and side extension module attached, plus the GA autopilot module.
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The X56 is a bad joystick. All the buttons feel cheapo and look like they will stop working any time, centering is sloppy. I returned it after 1 week. There are a lot of negative reviews to find on the internet.
I had an X52 (Saitek version) for years which worked better than the X56.
If you play MSFS a lot, I would wait a bit and save up for a high range joystick or yoke.
(you’re using it every second of the game)
The Honeycomb Bravo Throttle is great. It’s very versatile with setups for jet and prop engines.
The Alpha Yoke is great.
As for a joystick, I bought a Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog 10 years ago.
This thing is so solid, it will probably last for an other 30 years.
I have to admit that looks real good. It is only a single throttle though; do they do a twin throttle/prop/mixture version. I will also admit, that with the mix and match option on the table, I am drawn to the Honeycomb Bravo and keep the T1600 for now. I’ve had the Thrustmaster kit for about 4 years now and it has served me well. I would like a two throttle set up now to take best advantage of some of the vintage twin engined aircraft that are now available
In standard form, it just has the one slider in the base. In the version I pictured with the THQ and SEM modules, you could use two of the sliders on the throttle module for twin throttles, use the remaining slider for prop, and assign mixture to either some buttons or the slider on the stick base.
Or you could do what I did, and add a second throttle module so I can use up to 4 sliders for throttles and still have sliders next to them for prop and mixture.
Thanks for that Jingle. I’ve looked at the Warthog stick before and it is clearly a good tool as evidenced by the pictures and many positive reviews. I have never been sure just how suitable it would be for GA flying though; I know that the buttons etc are programmable but they don’t seem to be physically configured for GA functions. On the T1600 I have the 16 buttons on the stick base for all of the basic toggle functions like Battery Master, Alternators, Av Master, AP, Pitot, Fuel Management and Lights with Trim and Parking Brake on the stick itself. I’m encouraged by your endorsement of the Honeycombe Bravo throttle set up though.
That sounds like it is getting to be on the pricey side?
That is one of the advantages of the modular system though - it works fine in it’s most basic form, and you can add functionality as time and budget allow.
The X56 sells for around £230 - £240, the Gladiator Evo top option (with the premium grip for extra hat and buttons) is EUR 220, so about £195. The Throttle and Side Extension modules are EUR 95, or about £85.
The Warthog stick suffers with the same gimbal design as the T16000 and X56, and apart from it’s metal grip, it won’t feel or work any better than what you already have.
Check out the Reddit r/hotas page for more info and recommendations, and there is a direct comparison review here: 2022 HOTAS ROUNDUP! (12 Systems, Sticks & Combinations) - YouTube
I have used a X56 for more than a decade and I wouldnt part with it. No other stick gives me the combination of proper buttons, not to mention the analog thumbsticks in the (at least for me) perfect positions.
For flying in MSFS I would always go with a yoke if the plane I am flying does have one but thats just me. Flying the DA62 or Icon A5, I will use the X56, just like I am using it in games like Star Citizen.
A lot of negative things have been said about build quality and I think that has something to do with the Saitek / Logitech takeover. Essentially I keep hearing that they used to be better but quality has gone downhill in recent years (or was it the other way around ?) Make of that what you will.
I would recommend going the Amazon way: buy it, try it, if you dont like it, return it.
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No matter how much I tweak, it still creeps forward and eventually over time to 100% throttle
Have you done anything special to prevent the throttle levers constantly creeping forward? I really do like the X56 but the creeping is a show stopper for me.
Mine just doesnt do that. Sorry.
I used the Warthog stick/throttle for years in all aircraft but it really shines in DCS.
So eventually I bought the Alpha Yoke which is also a great device, although a bit stiff on the elevator.
With the Bravo Throttle you can’t go wrong. It already comes standard with a decent jet and prop set, it has an autopilot section, trim wheel, gear handle, custom switches, and there are also a lot of 3D printed sets out there. (check etsy.com)
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Honeycombe Bravo it is then and stick (
) with the T1600 for now. Can’t really afford it but hey ho.
I guess food’ll have to take a hit for a bit. Thanks for your help everyone.