Thriving Raleigh Exec Jetport KTTA airport missing most buildings

Brief description of the issue:

All but one of the buildings at KTTA are missing in MSFS 2020. This is my home base, and the actual airport has been growing here since first re-located here in 2002 from Sanford, NC. There are at least two active flying clubs located here.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

MSFS 2020 today:

Comparison X-Plane 11 Today (which has most of the correct 3D structures)

I’ll also add the nearby Nuclear plant isn’t model well and the very distinctive cooling tower is missing. This is a very useful VFR checkpoint for the area.


Totally agree about the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant landmark. It can be clearly seen for many miles for the entire Triangle area and beyond.

In addition to putting in a Zendesk request to fix the default, you can always ask the freeware community if anyone would like to fix either if these issues:

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