Thrustmaster Airbus throttle reverses don't work properly

Hi everyone.

I looked for info here before create a new post but everything I found doesn’t work for me.

I have the A320 joystick, Throttle and quadrant. Everything worked fine but now I have problems with my throttle.

Now, the throttle works badly. The idle position is when in the throttle I set full reverse.

Any idea?
I calibrated the throttle fout o five times.

Can you write me the axis and/or keys assigned in the throttle section?


Are you using the A320NX mod and if so: Did you calibrate your throttle in the EFB?

Hi Pieter1982NL

Yes I did. I calibrated using the easy way (manual one) and also using the EFB.

I reinstalled all my computer, including Windows 10 and the problem is still there.


If you’re using the A32NX mod EFB calibration, make sure you have it set up properly.

  1. Do a proper hardware calibration if you haven’t done so. You can find how to do them properly here.
  1. Once you done so, in the MSFS Control Settings, make sure you start with the default bindings, and create a duplicate profile from it.
  2. Open your Sensitivity Curve, and press the Reset button, to make everything into fully linear sensitivity.
  3. When you load a flight in A32NX Mod, make sure you enable Reverse On Axis on the top part of the EFB Calibration page.
  4. Then set your Detents accordingly and make sure you have the Full Reverse, Idle Reverse, and Idle set up in ascending value respectively.
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Thanks Neo4316

I did all steps you commented.

I saw some posts your, and fixed the flaps and spoilers because a calibrated the throttle without moving the flaps and spoilers.

Finally, in that post, someone set the z axis to reduce Throttle or something similar and it is when the throttle, automatically goes to full reverse. I set take off, and the throttle little by little goes it self to full reverse

Don’t set it that way. You shouldn’t be using digital commands like “reduce throttle” into the axis, which is an analog control.

You want a certain part of the throttle to be interpreted as the reverse. And you can only do so using either the A32NX EFB calibration, or for other aircraft, you need to set the Neutral point in the sensitivity curve.

Neutral point is the point in your throttle where the sim is determining between forward thrust and reverse thrust. So by moving the neutral point around, you can move where the IDLE is. But again, this is for any other aircraft. If you’re using the A32NX, keep the neutral point and all the sensitivity curve linear. And use the EFB calibration tool to use “Reverse on Axis”, and calibrate the point where it becomes full thrust.

Your Axis binding should only be bound to the Throttle Axis 0-100%. And nothing else.


I’ll do it and I’ll comment the results.
By the way… When I calibrated using the EFB I remembered that it recognises the negative values. But the throttle never goes to full reverse position. I’ll try to do the commented things.

Thanks for your help

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Generally (at least on mine), the CL Detent is actually the one in Neutral 0,0 position since it’s in the middle of the throttle. So with the deadzone, it’s ranged at -0.05 to 0.05. Below the CL (for IDLE, and FULL REVERSE) are all negative. while the detents above the CL (FLX/MCT and TOGA) are all positive values.

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Good evening Neo4316

Thanks for your help.
I could fix it in A320 asobo except climb.

But anyway, I prefer Flybywire, I see the problem but I can’t fix it because I don’t know how to do it.

I attached a pic.

Can you help me please with that? I can’t apply and the changes. :pensive:

Fix it!
Finally everything works fine! Thanks for your advises finally the problem is fixed!

I change manually the dead zone and then, I could save and apply changes.

Neo4316 thanks for your help and your time!

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