Thrustmaster Hotas 4 787 Reverese Thrust Won't Fully Engage since SU 7

High end PC Win 11 DX 12. Since SU 7 my “5” button won’t implement Reverse Thrust on the 787 LIKE IT USED TO before SU 7. I have tried everything…been flying sims 35 years. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you able to install the public SU7 update beta that was released? Reverse thrusters are supposed to be fixed in the beta.

Thx for the reply BC74. I’m not sure I understand… so I installed the SU 7 things went south with 5 button used to implement Reverse Thrust. Are you saying there’s a new up date called SU 7 Beta? And if so no I didn’t install that…don’t know where to go to do that, any help would be appreciated.

There us a hotfix/update currently in open Beta for SU7 (the beta has been public for a week now). Thrust reversers are fixed in the new hotfix, and now work just like they always have since the sim was launched. It was the first thing I tested after installing the Beta last week.

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Thanks LameLefty, I appreciate it! I am looking forward to this.

Also Thx to BigCow as well