Thrustmaster T.16000 stops working since update #5

Since this latest update #5, my stick will suddenly stop working for moment, then resume working fine.

I’ll fly VFR for a while and my stick will be unresponsive for a minute. Then without warning it will start to work fine, sometimes causing an over stress situation on the aircraft. This happens especially if I have the stick to one extreme when it decides to start working again.

Anyone else having this issue since this latest update? Do you know of a fix? Thanks.

You might try exiting Flight Sim completely, and shutting down (not restarting) your computer. Unplug the T.16000 and restart the machine, then plug it back in once the computer has completely finished loading all the startup files. Then start Flight Sim again, and see if your TMaster starts behaving again.

I have the same setup, and I’ve been having no issues.

One other thing to try: go into Control Options and cycle through all the profiles for the T.16000

Best of luck to you, and let us know if any of that helped… someone is bound to have a solution. :slight_smile:

I own the TCA Sidestick version and I had to reset my input profile in the settings back to “default”, axe the old-one and re-assign buttons. That fixed most woes for me.

Also T.16000M HOTAS here. SU5 made all my controller profiles useless. Had to reset and reconfig everything

Same here with the Airbus Version of the stick. Why are the profiles of the Joystick now lost ? All the long work in calibrating the stick is gone. Will do how it is described…

Also suffering with the same problem, Joystick just doesn’t input momentarily then resumes :frowning:

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I found something a little unusual about this. My inputs are a single joystick, mouse, and keyboard. When I look around using the right mouse button, the joystick stops working.

While sitting in the cockpit, hold the right mouse button and look around the cockpit. At the same time try using your joystick. At this point the stick stops working.

If someone can verify this, that would be great. Thanks.

I think I’ve got the same problem. I have the TCA sidestick and Throttle set and use the mouse to look around. Same problem - joystick stops working temporarily. When I tried it using only the hat then all is fine.

I have switched off my computer, disconnected the TCA and reconnected but the problem still remains.

And I have also found that the Engine 1 switch (and only the engine 1 switch) on the throttle quadrant will only work to switch the engine off and in the wrong direction. I have no idea how to fix that.

Is it just me?! Any ideas?

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Another thing that helped was to install the latest Thrustmaster software from their (ugly) website.

It appears others are having the same or similar problem. Please vote this up. Thanks.