Thrustmaster t500rs pedals as rudder on t-flight hotas 4

I have successfully set up my pedals to work as rudder pedals using UJR while plugged in to the t500rs wheel. I would ideally like to pack my wheel away and use my pedals plugged into my Thrustmaster t-flight hotas 4.
The pedals are using Slider 0 and RZ axis merged.

The problem that I am facing is that when plugged into the hotas the clutch pedal is the slider 1 axis and is only registering from 50% to 0% axis, which means I cannot centre the axis when the pedals are merged in UJR.

I am sure there must be others utilising this setup and was hoping there might be an easy solution.

I use t.rj12 usb adapter for thrustmaster. In this case I just turn from flight mode to car pos via switch on adapter. I get fully available 100% axis. Hope it helps

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Hi Slinky!
I did look into purchasing that adapter at the time of posting, but at the time it wasn’t available on the Thrustmaster site and it was on Ebay for stupid money.
I have moved over to a yoke and pedals since posting, but thanks very much for the reply anyway.