Thrustmaster TCA Airbus edition not configurable

You can find the axis but its extremely fiddly. The only way i can find it if i do it like this.

  • put detent fully to idle
  • search for input → move lever up will find button.
  • press search for input again and repeat moving up
  • from the second last to last detent it will show the axis.

This only works if one really starts from idle though, you cant just go to last detent and move up to find it.

This is because it only detects an axis if it was moved quite a stretch. From 1 detent to the other is not enough.

You have to install the T.Flight Hotas drivers from the Thrustmaster Web page. TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition – Thrustmaster and then go to Windows Start → thrustmaster TM flight series → Control Panel as farmerthom mentioned.

have that installed and virtual buttons enabled but yet it is not working. actually I have a fully inconsistent behaviour which I just opened as ticket, seen in 3 different airbuses:

FENIX: no movement in the FMC calibration screen of the Fenix. Flaps can be set via the quadrant, so the quadrant is working and recognized. the quadrant is also recognized under Win11, though. But zero nil nada in the Fenix.

Default INI A320: here the throttles move and I could calibrate them… Reversers on the INI 320 still don’t move though calibrated and axis movement seen in the EFB

FBW320. While it starts on its belly and sunk into the ground despite gear being down, once flying the throttle works - and also the reversers…

So 3 different planes and 3 different findings.

EDIT I just re-read I should turn the virtual buttons OFF, so will try now
EDIT 2 no change in the INI, throttles work per se but yet no Reversers despite being calibrated

I did a new install of the sim by uninstalling via windows app uninstall.
Then re-installed and it’s working better, not good…

Moved to User Support Hub Hardware & Peripherals since a solution has been marked.

You have to change the axis for Fenix^^
I bet you have it on “Throttle axis (0-100)”. But you need to have it on “Throttle Axis”.

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Hi, has anyone gotten the reverse part of the axes in the throttle quadrant to work as reversers? There doesn’t seem to be the option to check the ‘reverser on axis’ box in the control panel (as there is in MSFS2020).


For which Aircraft? My current Status: A320 no. Fenix yes

For the TBM for instance

I have the problem, when i want to set up my TCM with reversers, it stick on 48 persent in the FMS and they don’t work at all at the Fenix A320. I have no idea anymore.

Fenix requires you to use a different axis though you’ve possibly captured that, best option is to look at their site for clarification.

I got mine working fine for the Fenix, not tried for others.

You have to start the Fenix App manually, then the throttled work.

Thank you for the answer, but the Fenix App start austomaticly. But i have still nu succsess…