I’ve noticed that whilst using the good old Thrustmaster TCA Airbus joystick and am taxxing on the ground that if I use the rudder to turn right or left, then when you let go so it returns to a neutral position, the rudder seems to dive off in the opposite direction… this results in any aircraft almost zig zagging its way down a taxiway or runway…
Anyone ever seen this ? I tend to fly the FBW and Fenix A320 99% of the time but this happens with EVERY aircraft in the sim…
The wiring from the top buttons leading down to the base impinges the rudder potentiometer, causes ghosting movements even when not touched. When it gets bad enough, the ghosting will cause your AP to disconnect even if you’re not applying any rudder axis input. Check out the movement for yourself using Windows USB Game Controller Applet built into W10/W11. You’ll see the axis marker bouncing around without any input at all.
Those of us who owned it had to disassemble the grip so many times to gently pull the wiring harness (don’t do it too hard or you’ll break the cables or pull a solder point where you can’t get at it) and route it around the potentiometer. The harness eventually makes it’s way back over to the problem area because of repeated use. After about a year and half of that ridiculousness, I got rid of the stick and invested in VKB. Never looked back.
The rest of the TCA Airbus stick is fine as it uses hall sensors. Ridiculous that they cheaped out with a potentiometer rather than use hall sensors for all flight control axes.
Your choices are:
Temporarily fix the problem as CasualClick describes.
Buy some rudder pedals and unassign the z-axis from your TCA stick.
Hello, this is how it should look, but everyone says that the cable is short, and that is false, dismantle the base and release the cables and you will have the cable to leave it as in the photo, then put the base cables with your tape and ready.
Observe the amount of cable.