Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant ENG 1+2 - Engine buttons turn off Master Power

Thanks, I will try this one too.

Thanks for this advice, recalibration solved my problem! Just needed to adjust the sensitivity curves with a Neutral slider afterwords and now it works nicely in DA62, from 0% pover at the zero point (not revers) all the way up to 100% at the highest range. So thanks very much once again. Cheers.

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I am so happy and glad for you! Happy flying and take care.

I have noticed something similar myself. Itā€™s all gone rather wrong since SU5.

Lucky I found this thread (on accident). Just got the TCA last week and have been struggling to get it to work on my laptop. I am getting the power off thing on the DA-62 mentioned above. Thought I was incompetent (no proof otherwise yet), so I tried the same flight I was attempting on my main PC with the Honeycomb yoke and throttle, and everything worked. Canā€™t wait to give the fixes in this thread a try on the 3 & 4 switches, I had (or thought I had) completely disabled them because I couldnā€™t figure a fix for it.

hola amigo! a mi me pasa lo mismo, pero eso empezĆ³ con esta simupdate5, encontraste alguna soluciĆ³n! yo he intentado de todo y no he podido! calibrado el TCA Quadrant, desinstalarlo e instalarlo de nuevo y nada! es una mierda!

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alguien me puede ayudar con algo? cuando inicio el fs2020 me dice que tengo que ir a Microsoft Store para actualizar el simulador, pero entro a microsoft store y no me deja obtener la actualizacion. alguin me luede ayudar

Hi all!

After SU6 the bug is still here!!!
I reset to default the TCA config and now I am getting the same problem, so itā€™s not fixed.

Can you confirm?


Iā€™ve just got my TCA quadrant and was very puzzled why my first flight in a Cessna (yes, not quite the right aircraft, but I wanted to get used to the controls) ended with my being able to have either my engine running or my avionics availableā€¦

Just adding my post here to say that coincidentally my first flight with the TCA setup was just after the new patch today ( and therefore this hasnā€™t been fixed in the patch.

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Yeahā€¦ is sad!

Have still exact the same problem. (v1.21.18.0)

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You know whatā€™s the solution right? Go at the top of the post and youā€™ll find it there under SOLUTION.