@Revyn112 Apologies for the long delay! For those that are interested, I’ve attached the relevant part of my JoystickGremlin config here. Attempting to fix the detent position mapping by use of sensitivity adjustments does not make any sense. Sensitivity adjustments are really only applicable to axes on sticks, yokes, pedals and other “relative” flight controls. Throttles map specific positions along their their axes to effect desired engine operation and so if you’re using sensitivity to adjust that mapping, you’re going to get wildly non-linear travel that means that the throttle is effectively lying to the plane.
Using Joystick Gremlin, we forfeit continuous, linear -20% -> 100% travel and instead make sure we have linear travel just between each of the detents, mapping the detent positions on the throttle hardware to the equivalent detent positions in the simulator. The settings below are for v1.61 firmware, and the latest FBW A32NX development version. I have a slight “deadzone” at the start of IDLE towards FULL REVERSE so that leaning on the throttles at IDLE against the latches doesn’t trigger the plane to initiate reverse thrust mode.
<container type="basic">
<mapping type="cubic-bezier-spline">
<control-point x="-1.0" y="-1.0"/>
<control-point x="-0.8" y="-0.964"/>
<control-point x="-0.54" y="-0.95"/>
<control-point x="-0.49" y="-0.95"/>
<control-point x="-0.376" y="-0.936"/>
<control-point x="-0.168" y="-0.912"/>
<control-point x="0.0" y="-0.89"/>
<control-point x="0.05600000000000001" y="-0.8019999999999999"/>
<control-point x="0.38" y="0.036"/>
<control-point x="0.44" y="0.0"/>
<control-point x="0.6559999999999999" y="-0.004000000000000004"/>
<control-point x="0.712" y="0.088"/>
<control-point x="1.0" y="0.2"/>
<deadzone center-high="0.0" center-low="0.0" high="1.0" low="-1.0"/>
<remap axis="1" axis-scaling="1.0" axis-type="absolute" vjoy="1"/>
Hope this helps some!
(Edit: share correct config for 1.61)