I have the Thrustmaster TPR Pedals, and after some time of non-use (probably an hour or so) they stop responding. USB Controllers menu still shows them, they’re recognized, but when I try to open calibration it hangs for about 10-15 seconds, and when it opens, it shows firmware version 0.0 (versus 1.15), and no axis movement is recognized.
I’ve tried a new cable, verified that all of my USB Hubs and power settings do not power down idle USB ports, and actually returned the pedals for another set, thinking it was a failure of the pedals themselves. The new pedals are having the exact same issue.
Unplugging and plugging them back in resolves the issue.
Has anyone else ran into this or any idea what else I could look at to try to resolve?
I formerly had this same issue with my Thrustmaster TPR Pedals, but I haven’t experienced it in many months. I don’t remember exactly what I did to fix it, but I believe what resolved it for me was plugging the pedals (and my other flight controls) into a powered USB hub rather than directly into a USB port on my PC. Hope that helps!
Thanks – I’ve tried USB ports on the machine, a USB PCIe card (with separate power directly from the PSU) and a powered USB hub, and all three have the same issue.
One thing that I’ve noticed, and I don’t know if it’s normal, is that there is a LOT of noise in especially the brake axes in the calibration tool until I exercise them, once I push them all the way in and out, then they report properly.
This screenshot is with both brakes at rest, and they both jump between about 35 and 75 very erratically, once I press the brakes at all, then the axes properly report:
The “noise” in the Thrustmaster product is a “standard”. I believe that’s it’s due to their magnetic sensors.
I have a Thrustmaster set of joystick,quadrant and pedals.Eveytime I start the pc for a new flight, I move the joystick 3 axis all the way down ,back and forth for 3 times.The same on pedals and the "noise " always disappears.No problems on the quadrant. I got used to it.
No certainy not that. For me it only occurs the first flight, if I don’t close the sim all later ones don’t suffer. It’s as if MSFS doesn’t find my controls until I actually move them and then sometimes I lose at least some authority in one direction or the other including up and down. For such incidents I can do little but press restart or spiral into the ground.
I had the exact same problem on a Win11 machine. Reinstalled drivers and firmware without any luck. The firmware version also displayed 0.0.
I wanted to test the USB port to rule that out. Switching the pedals to a USB port I knew was good seemed to fix the problem. The port’s fine though. The flight stick is plugged into that right now. I’m sure what did it was unplugging it from the USB port on the machine, as opposed to the back of the rudder pedals (which didn’t help at all).
How frustrating. That just burned an hour of my time. Hope this helps others.
Hey guys … Im having an issue with my TPR rudders . They’ll give me 15-30 minutes working fine then they’ll stop working but according to USB controls and MSFS they are still connected. Ive tried absolutely every USB , latest drivers , older drivers and recalibration. It still stops working . It’s frustrating as they cost a fortune. And honestly speaking im not willing to send it back to them and wait a decade till i get them back . Has anyone had the same issue with a solution? Would appreciate your advice .
I had the same problem and it turned out to be USB power management. I had to hunt through device manager to find the relevant USB device and turn power management off manually. Problem is windows update often turns it back on again and i have to hunt for it once again.
SOLVED ! Turned out to be a static issue as i have my TPR’s Mounted on the Next level racing rig . I grounded the whole rig and It fixed the issue FINALLY !!
That’s a good idea and good practice to avoid building static electricity.
Mine are on a carpet and I grounded them a while back on the advice of another post