I installed it and tested it with the Fenix. I can’t tell you how impressed I am. The tiller feels great and it’s so much fun to taxi around airports now! I spent an hour taxiing and parking at gates.
The tiller is absolutely accurate and the immersion is unbelievable. It is plug and play and thanks to the presets in FSUIPC it was very easy to setup the pedal disconnect button.
This product is so fun to use. A tiller is so important. You need it all the time. I warmly recommend it to everyone. Delivery takes about two weeks! Go for it, you won’t regret it!!
The only thing that needs improvement is the short USB C cable that comes with the tiller. It is very short. I ordered a new one to replace it.
It’s hard to describe why the product is worth every penny. The quality is outstanding, turning the tiller feels as if you’re steering something heavy.
In the sim the steering is very exact. I‘ve never had such a precise control over the front gear.
I think if you had the chance to actually feel the difference you’d understand what I mean.
But I am aware that spending almost 300 dollars can be challenging and might be too much for some to spend for a tiller. But if you can handle the investment, you won’t regret it.
I don’t fly airliners …yet. But if I do get into them I’ll take a good look at this.
I don’t mind spending a little more for quality, hence my Virpil Alpha Prime and VPC collective.
Question: Will the tiller only work with Airbus? Don’t other airliners have a tiller I could use SPAD to program it with?
I understand the point with the price and something much simpler would for sure be enough.
I fly in VR and I tried with StreamDeck Plus as alternative, but getting an alternative like a simple rotary control is almost impossible.
The main issue I faced in VR is the missing feel of center.
There is another tiller available in the market, but that is much larger in size. I ended up with the IIDB because to me it looked like high quality, is backlit and is quite small in size.
Now I have my warthog and tiller together on the thrustmaster table mounting. Perfect.
Fun fact is, that I think the IIDB feels even heavier and higher quality than the real one. I remember trying the tiller in a Level D FFS and it was just spring loaded and even wobbling when letting go. I was very surprised that time . Will try next time in a real plane.
$300! I was selling my collectives (with the Huey head) for $350. This is with a 50% profit margin. I estimate the design, material, and production cost for this little device to be about $20, maybe $30 for a one off. When you can produce a product for 5-10% of retail then you’re gouging your customers, HARD. I refused to buy a commercial collective just for this reason. Since I started making mine 5 years ago a couple more similar makers have started making collective, which have cut commercial cost by Over 60%. Someone will come along and cut this cost by at least 50%. 1 axis, 1 switch controller than can be printed out and assembled in less than 2 hours. That’s 3 a day x 5 days a week x $100 profit is a $1500 a week paycheck. Not bad for someone looking to start up a little garage business.
It’s up to everyone to start their own business. But not for me. I think it’s worth the money and I doubt your calculation. I‘m a lazy customer that is happy to buy good products.
Cheaper isn’t always better and in my case I can afford spending 300 $ without a problem.
For me, it’s about the fact that gouging has become the norm (Whatever the market will bear, Right?). Maybe that’s because I come from a time when that wasn’t so prevalent. Or maybe it’s because I use to be poor(ish). either way, spending almost an entire days pay on something that is so grossly over-priced just rubs me wrong.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s a nice looking piece of kit, And I’m sure you’re grooving on it, but that does change the fact that it’s over-priced by a wide margin.
Here my last acquisition for my rig, a little steering wheel and many available buttons, it vibrates in taxi , 180° of turn for 38 dollars. Good idea for tiller. I fly in VR
I found a problem with this type of xbox (fake) controller, the toolbar pushback turns crazy with it, the speed increases at maximum and it only works forward. If I unplug the USB controller before start msfs2020 , the toolbar pushback works fine.