Time for and old fellow to find another hobby

I’m an old flight simmer and was very passionnate with my hobby.
After countless hours in F2004 and FSX for so many years, the launch of FS2020 was a big day for me. I had, like many, some difficulties to run the thing, but with time and patience it became OK.

With the previous update, I thought the end of the big problems was near. I spent deligtfull hours flying GA planes, but also Aerosoft’s CRJ, and this beautifull DC6 from PMDG. Everything was running nice and smooth. I remember having a blast recently flying the DC6 from Norway to Iceland, Groenland and North America.
I was waiting the performance update with lot of expectations and hope, thinking the sim was already good, it could only be better.

And now… The truth is I can’t even launch the thing. Spend the last hours trying to reinstall everything, cleaning everything, removing all add-ons and things, the launcher itself crashes from the start. So I can’t even download the entire game :laughing:.

Some may say “fill a ticket” and do this and that. But I just feel tired and disappointed. I don’t wan’t to spent more hours trying to be a computer engineer. I just want to relax at the end of the day.

So, maybe it’s time for an old f… ellow like me to step aside and welcome all the new players who will step into flight simming with XBox or maybe other supports in the future who knows? Anyway I wish all of you as much pleasure as I had in the past in flight simming. Fly safe all, always do what please you and not hurt you, and peace :v:.


So true and well said, i can also not get It to work anymore.
Before you give up simming try x plane 11 It has free try version. The scenery is not as good as in msfs, but the rest is better and It works :rofl:


No, just dont give up yet, Xplane is NO alternative for msfs, just wait for this to be fixed, i cannot fly either after this SU5, CTD but i never go back to Xplane, it looks so terrible and has non existing weather popping in out all the time, so just take a break and hope that Asobo is releasing a hotfix, or fixes the servers, i suspect that the problems comes down to server capacity, for now millions of xbox gamers are testing/downloading this sim.


I’m sad to read this, mate. I really don’t understand what’s happening on some systems. I wish that we could help in some way, but I see that you don’t have the energy anymore to do the digging, the trial and error.
The suggestion about the other sim is maybe a great one, or take a break and jump back in with SU6.
But I’d fine your issue anyhow. This could help may be to fix issues.

All the best.


And they could not see that coming? Is that professional? Are you taking customers serious then?


I totally hear you. I also work very hard and like to use the sim to relax. It has been anything but relaxing. It’s almost like MS is trying to make it so hard to force people to buy an Xbox. Well, Xboxes are not available. Makes no sense. I hear you.

I’ve been simming since FS5. Had been waiting over a decade for this. Bought a gaming PC with 7700 GTX 1070 and 16 GB RAM 4 years ago for P3D, which was so-so, but this sim was acceptable except for some performance issues in the high density cities, but otherwise it was tolerable and enjoyable.

I was on the verge of spending several thousand $$ on a new top of the line gaming rig SOLELY FOR THIS SIM. Not anymore. Disappointed.


Thanks for the kind words guys.
I’ll see. Maybe like @GhostlyFrend said waiting for SU6 don’t know.
As for X-plane, I tried X-Plane 10 years ago, after Microsoft dropped FS (at least they said so at the time). But was never really able to keep up with it. I don’t say it’s bad, I just say I find it difficult for me to get into.
So many years with FS give you bad habits maybe :sweat_smile:

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What makes it particularly difficult is the fact we have no choice whether to update or not. Maybe this is inevitable given how much of the scenery is streamed etc. But I do long for the days where you could own a product, be happy with it, and have the choice to keep it as it is and not update it when it is working fine for you.

I feel this is particularly important in flight Sims which are an expensive hobby and an enforced update that breaks it for you can render thousands of pounds of equipment not usable literally overnight (hopefully temporarily of course! But still would be much better if we had the choice on this )


I feel you here. I was also on the fence to buy a new high end PC. Glad I’m more patient now that when I was younger :slight_smile:


Online games must be in phase with the server. That’s the downside with this way of doing things.
I played Elite Dangerous for years and it was the same thing. Major updates were sometimes fearfully expected for the same reasons.

But if I could effectively rollback by myself I’d surely do it right now :+1:


100% agreed with you @aaphebus. Spent all of lastnight and the enitre day today trying to re-install everything.

Im praying MSFS will release some sort of fix. It appears the focus was to launch this out to Xbox users while PC users suffered. Lets hope we are not forgotten about.

Flew on VATSIM today (I was lucky enough to manage a flight in) and it was a joke hearing everyone on the radio complain about various issues. Might have to switch to a different simulator…


Well Xplane improved a lot there is now version 11.55, do not want to push you. But reading your first post i really feel sorry for you. ms/asobo should fully realize the impact of hobby’s in life.


sorry wrong button, was supposed to reply to the topic

I’m sure there will eventually be a fix. My fear is that with MS/Asobo making this compatible with Xbox, that effectively downgrades the quality of the game. Eventually the chip shortage will pass, eventually we will get RTX 4000, 5000, DDR5 Ram, etc. The sim could be phenomenal with that hardware, but now that it was made to be compatible with a 2020 Xbox, I fear the sim will never be what it could truly be without the Xbox boat anchor. I hope I’m wrong.


X Plane 10 and 11 are day and night. I was an X Plane hater myself until trying XP11, never used again FSX or P3D after that. Try it, they have a free demo. For serious simming I’m still using XP11, and MSFS for low and slow casual VFR. If you like airliners XP is still a better option as of now, at least for me.


Thanks, I don’t promise you anything, but will keep your words in mind for the future. Maybe will give it a new try with version 11 in the future.
I totally agree with this “ms/asobo should fully realize the impact of hobby’s in life”… Not only them. Lot of people I know don’t get it when I have so “passionate responses” about what they call “a game” :blush: :grin:

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A funny way to say sad words, I like it :+1: :laughing:

I hear you. Give it a break and come back in six months or so. Until then check out Farming Simulator. That thing is legit! :grinning:


:rofl: but the truth is, I like Farming Simulator :)… Spent many hours in FS19. And looking forward for the next opus :wink:


Agree with OP, I am another old so and so.

The irony is that if the objective is as wide a player base as possible to bring in the money and who gives hoots about the depth sim, I wonder how long it will be before its cross compatibile with an app on your phone. Then it will be the Xbox Community complaining about the changes. The PC community probably won’t complain tho, they will mostly be gone, but they were only ever a small niche anyway right.