Timing download

Sorry for my english… can someone explain this? I am again at trying to download fs 2020 becouse of any problem past. On Xbox I download the game ( putting the icon on desktop), well in this fase the downloading speed is about 6/8 MB/s and it’s quite ok .
After launching the game it ask obbligatory updates for about 120 G and more, in this fase the downloading speed degrade at 1.5 MB/s and I can’t go on , becouse the time (always connect) it take ,
it’s about 10 12 days!!!
Everythig about my connection is ok , I’ve tryed to download with my pc at my friends home, and nothing change, I have this kind of problems ONLY on the server of fs 2020.

If you are both on the same ISP, it may be your server.
Try using a free VPN.
It has been known to help a lot in these cases.

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