Tip for using autopilot + sim rate in the Caravan, PC-12, PC-24 and others

Problem: Airplane goes up/down and the autopilot can’t keep up when sim rate is too high.
Solution: Whatever your altitude is, set the autopilot altitude to 1000 feet higher and set VS to 0. I can fly the Caravan/PC-24 at max sim rate straight as an arrow using this method.

Bring up the radio com menu and as soon as possible cancel IFR with the ATC so you don’t miss radio calls. This is usually shortly after handoff to center.

For the PC-12 and PC-24 the auto throttle hunts too much in sim rate, so set the throttle manually. The PC 24 for example is perfectly happy at 95% at 30k feet. Using these two tips you can fly at max sim rate the entire duration of cruise.

This tip does not work on the 737 Max unfortunately.


Thanks! Have to try next time. I use caravan, didn’t know that PC12 have also this problem, my next purchase.

Just tried this in the Caravan. Works like a dream. Cheers for the tip! :+1:t2:

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While I googled for the same issue, I ran into Sim Rate watchdog in flightsim dot io

It worked in 2020, any luck in 2024?