Tip: You can change which plane is used for the bush trips

After completing the Nevada bush trip, I was a little disappointed that they chose to use glass cockpit aircraft for the the other two trips. If the point of these trips was to navigate using the nav log and map without GPS, it seems very counter-intuitive to use the G1000 equipped aircraft with the flight plan and GPS/AP capabilities. Anyway, after digging around in the game directory I’ve figured out how to choose whatever plane you wish for those trips, and add back the challenge of navigating using the old-school VFR ways.

Step 1: You’ll need to find the official name for the plane you’d like to use. For this example, I’ll choose the Savage Cub. The default aircraft folders are in the LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore folder. From there choose your desired aircraft and find the aircraft.cfg file. For the Cub the path is asobo-aircraft-savage-cub\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_Savage_Cub\aircraft.cfg. Open the .cfg with your text editor of choice, and you’ll find the official name under the [FLTSIM.0] heading. In this case that’s “Asobo Savage Cub”. Copy this for later.

Step 2: Navigate to the mission folder for your bush trip of choice in LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore and traverse the folders until you find a .FLT file. For the balkans trip the path is asobo-bushtrip-balkans\Missions\Asobo\BushTrips\Balkans\Balkans.FLT. Open this in your text editor and replace the aircraft name under the [SIM.0] heading with your aircraft of choice. Save and launch the game and when starting the trip you’ll load into your desired aircraft.

Note: I don’t know if this will cause any problems down the road. I haven’t tested doing an entire trip yet, but I was able to complete a leg and load into the next one without any issue. I don’t know if this will affect the achievement for not using ‘back on track’, but I’d be surprised if it did. Let me know if anything in this guide is confusing or if you have any questions.

Happy navigating!


I used this method to fly the Balkan bush trip in the steam gauge 172 instead of the G1000 one. Was perfectly able to complete the trip without any hickups and got the achievement.

Other than the timing issues you mention I doubt this will cause any problems. Though doing these trips in a 747 might be a bit of a challenge…

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Oh, cool!
I was disappointed too when I discovered the new plane has a map onboard.

They need to change the default plane asap.

Tnx for the discovery

How did you find the official name for the Steam Gauge 172 ? there’s no aircraft.cfg (that I can find)

Simple trick:
Go to the world map, create a simple flight with the plane you want to know the name of, save the flightplan. Then you can go and open the flightplan’s *.FLT file with a texteditor and find the name of the chosen aircraft.

That said, for the steam gauge 172 the name should be Cessna Skyhawk Asobo

You really don’t have to go to all this trouble. At least for the Balkans trip, the C172’s G1000 suffers major malfunctions and is largely inoperative for the rest of the trip. The MFD is totally shut off, the AP no longer works, and you even lose the magenta line and your position on it on the VFR map.

The only thing you retain is that the flightplan is still stored in the system, so if you leave the CDI in GPS mode, it will still tell you when to turn at waypoints. But you can switch it to VOR mode if that bothers you.

Personally, I find the bush trips unplayable just visually. The plane is about 25% slower than stopwatch times in the navlog and my bandwidth prevents most of the landmarks from showing up very well, so often I can’t recognize them. So basically, I have no idea when and where to turn without the CDI needle suddenly jumping.