Titles in spanish for challenge points are incorrect (ground roll)

The symbols in blue are ok, but the titles are confused. “Distancia de Recorrido en tierra” (ground roll) must be simply (rodadura en tierra), because “distancia de recorrido en tierra” is confuse with landing accuracy (point of touchdown)

I have moved your post to #bugs-and-issues:bugs-and-issues-misc. It would be helpful if you were to give a full list of things you see that are wrong and what you believe they should be. You can do that by editing your post with the pencil icon. Thanks!

Hi @OB23118806,
In this instance, it is better to submit a zendesk on this so the developers have it in their system for a suggested change to the Spanish language pack.

There is a file you can edit to change this, although not advisable, as updates to MSFS will overwrite those changes.

Write to them the same as what you posted here.
