TM Warthog Throttle Question - Slider + General mapping question

EDIT: Looks like the issue was actually the mixture lock, thanks all!

I just got a secondhand Warthog throttle that appears to work fine.

However, I mapped the slider lever on the right of the panel to mixture and for oe reason I can’t decrease mixture to less than 40% using it. But the slider axis itself is reading as fine in the Sensivity section.

Anyone know what the problem could be or whether this is a known bug?

Also, is it normal that if I use a custom TARGET GUI profile, about half of the buttons/switches become completely unfunctional unless I specifically map keys to them?

Example: In Windows USB Game Conrollers diagnostic tool without using a profile, all the listed buttons and switches light up when I press them.

Once I activate a profile, the USB tool shows "Warthog custom profile root) " and only about half the buttons/switches work now, the rest no longer light up. Is the only way to make these functional in the sim to assign keybinds to them in TARGET? Seems strange.


Does it just happen with certain aircraft or all of them?

I believe the mixture problem occurred for both the JF Arrow Turbo and the stock Cessna (not home right now).

The same happens if you add it as trim. It goes from -50% to +50% only.

So any way to calibrate around this or something?

Assuming that the hardware is ok then it may be the method used to map within the sim.

Can check with DIView (small app, very handy, can download it from LeoBodnar)

Once in FS2020 however there are several methods of mapping a control to a function.

There are two columns of cells that you can bind a function into. Mapping buttons/switches into a cell on the right hand column seems to work just fine.
However, mapping an axis into this column seems to result in some odd axis inhibit behaviour that zendesk/Asobo have not been able to explain as a “function”
My take away from that is to only ever map an axis into the LEFT of the two columns.

I can’t remember for Mixture/Prop pitch etc but some Axes actually also have more than one option for mapping the function and one of these is in fact to allow set up of things like reverse thrust so they behave differently. I’m away for the holidays so I can’t check the different names of those functions. Play around with them.
(And yes. They will look like you have full travel of axis in the peripheral set up but once in the cockpit the virtual control lever doesn’t move until you are past 50% of your own throttle’s range of travel)

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I never found one. I have to admit I did not look hard. This was about 6 months ago when I was limited to using this as a trim function. Now I use a scroll wheel for that. It seemed to me that the data out put points on the Hotas were the limiting factors, as in there was not enough of them.

From memory the JF Arrow has a stop modelled in the cockpit that needs to be removed to enable the full range of movement, possibly what you have experienced may be this?

It seems quite common for people to assign some axis as switch functions in-sim, I.e. instead of assigning them as an ‘axis’. If you do this then an axis will cause the action you describe which is effectively treating the movement as either on or off.

Oh I thought the two cells were the same. Not sure which one mapped it to, will check later. Thanks!

No it’s definitely the slider axis. I can set it from 40 to 100%, but not below 40.

Really? How does one remove this stop?

Anyway im pretty sure i had the same issue in the Cessna. Will check later.

I use the slider on my Warthog Throttle controller for propeller control, specifically in the DC-6 where I have it assigned to the Propeller axis and it’s calibrated to provide full span control without issue. When we finally get a proper jet transport, the same slider will then be used for speedbrake axis. It’s not difficult to change control assignments using the save and load function.

…? Yes obviously. Sorry but i dont see your point

I am well aware and this is kinda my point. If a hardware axis is set incorrectly in the sim as a “button” I.e. digital on/off input then the hardware axis will work as a button. My point to the OP was to double check the controller input had been correctly set an ‘axis’ or for that matter has not been screwed u by a sim update.

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Click on it with the mouse I believe… it has been a while since I have flown since I broke my VR headset.

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ok sorry misunderstood the context.

No worries. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

I am the OP. Thanks, but it was set to axis from the very beginning.

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