TNCS Saba runway (minor) issue

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Sail plane, Edge Optica and EHEH (nothing near, no external tools)

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Brief description of the issue:
At the end of the runway there is a nasty elevation on one side that made my C172 bump and crash

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

NOTE: this is no elevation, it’s the other way around, see below a more detailed analysis of elevation. Runway suddenly goes horizontal at this point. With thanks to RevampedSine for the testing and remark about LOD that explans this picture. It was taken with 80% terrain LOD, with 135% it will be less clear in the drone camera… and the lining on the runway distorts the image as well.

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Activated TNCS as departure 2x yesterday and today, issue persistent

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Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
See previous ticket

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I just taxied everywhere on the SABA runway, flew very low over it, and impossible to get any bump.
My Terrain LOD is 135:

What is yours? Does it help if you put it to 135?

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We meet again . :yum: haha history repeats… am I wrong again ? In the aircraft I only noticed it when taking off, not with taxiing. And I could clearly see it with the drone camera (see above image). I don’t run cache. You do ? run cache ?

I think it is new, else I would have noticed previously. I did put a toilet pot on that spot, remember… of course I cleaned up Community before I put this report… could there be remnants of that…

I’ll check the settings. I don’t run them that high…

It is certainly different. I have added a note in the opening.

A more accurate picture, see below a FlightRecorder graph of altitude while takeoff. The red curve is the roll, the blue curve is the actual takeoff. In this case I posponed takeoff as far as possible, to get a clear view of what happens at the end of the runway. The roll goes horizontal… starting at the point I indicated…


There is a very short hop, with a C172 you can hear it…


This runway first goes up gradually… it is tilted. At the very end, the part with the cross, goes horizontal, that is the actual deviation ! But this is far less dangerous than this “bump” I presented above. It is a deviation that shortens the effective Saba runway, but in RW it could be like this. There is no real “bug”

LOD was a good tip, this picture shows it better… it simply goes horizontal at that point, before that there is a gradual rise, which is apparently not visible when LOD is on 80%.

I have been reading your 2 posts for ages, looking at the pictures, but I still don’t see exactly where the bump is…
I see you F R curve.
Yes the 2 ends are different from the main runway, but I got no bump, on my system.

I NEVER use Cache: I only had problems when I used it, mainly with trees disappearing.

There is no bump. There is a sudden change in the slope of the runway. It goes up… and then it goes horizontal. When taking off, you won’t gain much airspeed on the horizontal surface. It’s much safer to take off before that point.

This is a safe takeoff

This is not a safe takeoff

OK. What caused the the C172 to crash? That change in slope?
Well, if you make searches on YT about SABA, you can find videos where the 2 ends are rounded !
And there is the height difference between the apron and the runway, even more marked on the narrow road between the apron and runway.
Once I deleted SABA in the Content Manager, re-started FS and the apron is sloping down and is very rounded, so there is something weird at that airport. I get stuttering in SABA as well. I wonder why…
I will now try with the C172 to investigate…

Yeah the C172 is suitable. When you take off normally with elevator up late, you’ll notice it. When you put elevator early, you get the first curve, you’ll be in the air safely.

(didn’t look at the aprons yet… there is a slope, I estimate about 2 meters !)

I crashed the first 2 takeoffs yesterday, touching the rocks that remained after the repair. The second time I had sound on… and I heard something. Then I put the drone camera on it… rest of story is the opening.

This change in slope actually shortens the Saba runway, because you won’t gain airspeed when you reach that horizontal part. You’ll “land” on it, loosing the upward speed you have ! Because of the sudden change in slope, your wheels get off the ground early and the weight of the C172 causes it to “land”.

So you can see it, but you can’t use that end part of the runway. And Saba is already short !


I just tried with C172 and no crash. By the way, I hadn’t used the C172 for ages (weird handling for the first few months of FS), but they improved it’s handling!
Yesterday I was using the Extra and no problem either. And the Extra needs even more runway now: They fixed an engine stall at low speeds (I never had), by raising the revs at idle! So it produces too much power now! Read this: Higher idle on the Extra since v makes it difficult to land, as too much power - Bugs & Issues / Aircraft Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I just made a quick video with C172, uploading now… will take a while to get processed to 1440p. I will put the link when done…
I use the whole runway, land from the very beginning at both ends. With my settings at the end of the video…
EDIT: processing HD version now.

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C152 as well… some more throttle. I fly C172 most times when I must go 20-30 miles… or mountains… Agree it is very easy to handle (both)

OK, the video is in 1080p (will later be in 1440p):

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Yeah nice flyaround :yum: and you noticed the nose goes DOWN just before takeoff when you postpone elevator !!

I love stress-testing, so I was pushing the elevator forward to try to induce a bump or a crash, but it is still fine. I did a diagonal also: still fine.

Yeah you fly down to get near the water… but replay your video it’s visible this nose dive already sets in before you take off. That is the bending point I found. The runway goes up… then your nose seems to lower as soon as you reach the horizontal “X-platform”. I feels dangerous, I prefer taking off before that. There are still rocks that stick out… your first maneuvre - the proceeded dive - looks quite dangerous.

Yes, at the eastern end alt is ~ 120 ft

and at western end alt is ~ 140 ft

and the area with the X goes down (from the main runway)

Watch this:

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Unable to reproduce: