To VR or not to VR that is the question

It’s a joke. Cray = Cray Supercomputer.

Exactly. This sim is complex enough to bring top-of-the-line hardware to a near standstill. Good thing, too. It won’t be obsolete in a week.

Yes, we get it that you really don’t like FB but do you have keep spouting the same rehashed story on every thread that mentions the Quest 2? It’s getting rather tiresome and I for one, love the Quest 2 performance and don’t care about the FB tie in

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I just hope that FS2020 is architected in such a way that future hardware will actually bring better performance.

Last time I flew FSX was ~2 years ago, on my OC’d watercooled 6700k and 2080Ti. With FlyInside, it struggled to hold 45fps. In some cases (like say Chicago + the Carenado King Air) it wouldn’t even do that.

I understand that, traditionally, as things don’t actually happen fast (with respect to the actual action inside the sim while playing) with flight sims (outside of combat - different than what MSFS is for) so 30fps is smooth enough. But with VR, it can become an issue. I can only imagine how amazing FS would feel running at high settings and 90 fps in VR.

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The real joke is I doubt the single thread perf of the cray is all that great so it would probably do worse :crazy_face:


The main drawbacks of VR for me as a RW pilot (relatively inexperienced PPL(A) SEP(L), no IR):

  1. Can’t use my paper charts, especially sectionals for VFR, with the flight route manually drawn on it,
  2. Can’t make notes with pen on my kneeboard (frequencies, ATC clearances),
  3. Can’t use my navigation device (SkyDemon on Android tablet).
  4. Can’t use my paper-based checklist.
  5. I have a homemade, very simple cockpit, so I can fly without touching a mouse or keyboard, VR requires reaching for knobs, switches and buttons in blind.

1-4 can be to some extent solved by bringing the Windows desktop to the virtual cockpit (including Wacom tablet for making notes), but I have Reverb G2 which is WMR based so the desktop-to-VR is very limited (unlike options available under SteamVR like VRK or OpenVR Toolkit) and costs some FPS.

VR VR VR. That’s is the answer :slight_smile:

True, in x plane 11 tho all these things are implemented really well. The devs and community made amazing options or plugins to do all these things in VR. I am sure in time more sophisticated options will come to MSFS.

So yeah I agree it’s a bit experimental for now, but the total experience especially if you fly ga aircrafts is just way more immersive than a monitor. It’s so much easier to land or fly vfr.
There is just no comparison, but for actual training VR has it’s problems.
But in a couple of years VR will dominate as an entertainment or training device, no doubt.

I love flying VR…a lot more realistic. But, I do miss looking at charts, using Navigraph Charts. I fly the 787 in MFS2020, and although in real life you can look at chart in the side LCD pads, this are INOP for now. Also, the FMC is missing data in several airports. It let you choose ILS approaches, but it has not ILS frequencies – another reason to consult the charts, to enter this and other info, manually.

You can bring your desktop to your virtual cockpit and use charts, nav software and even Wacom tablet for making notes.

You mean we can do this right now? I don’t how but I am really interested !!!

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There are several posts on the forum how to bring an app or the entire desktop to VR depending on which headset you use. You just need to search a bit.


I use navigraph and Pilo2atc in VR, on my knee I have the desktop with both apps running.

I bought VR headset about 3 years ago, payed £500. I loved it, however I found I was getting emotion sickness with it…so I only used it about twice not even used it yet with MSFS 2020. Sounds like I am missing out

Yes it’s an emotional thing… :wink:

Oops typo :rofl: motion sickness

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BOO, you’re sick :smile: :joy:

I saw a teaser video of the WT CJ4 displaying Navigraph charts inside of VR. Now, if you don’t fly that airplane, it won’t help you (not to mention it’s not even released yet), but if they can do it for that airplane, surely they can do it for every other plane as well, one way or another. I know they (Navigraph) has been working on exactly that, but I have not yet seen any details.

So have patience. It’s coming!

Yeah. Navigraph had an update back in November, for beta testing it with MFS2020. The download is no longer available, but it seems that they are working on it.

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