Tobii and Spacedeck issue

When I use Spacedeck and MS Popout Manage to move TDS GTN 750 from the cockpit to my tablet, Tobii locks up, as soon as I touch the tablet (at least 90% of the time), and I’m unable to get Tobii to restart. I have the command SHIFT + / set as connect/disconnect Tobii, but it does not work. Anyone having this issue or have any ideas what I can try to corret this problem.

Before you turn on spacedesk quit tobi and the then start spacedesk . After it has started You can now turn on tobi. This is my workaround.

No joy…tried it and same thing. Kept it off until eveything was up and running then turned Tobii on after the panel was on the table, touch the tablet, and Tobii locks up. Tobii Experience says somthing went wrong…YOU THINK??? Did the trouble shooting and it says unable to fix, recommend restarting the computer, big help that is. I did send a ticket to Tobii, will see what words of wisdom they come back with.

After starting the computer I turn off TobiI completely, start up spacedesk then start Little NavMap on the tablet and then I move the map around and zoom in using the touch screen. After I do that I re start Tobi and then the simulator.

That is basically what I did. Turn off Tobii, start everything up, move the panel to the tablet, turn Tobii, touch the tablet, and Tobii locks up. Turn Tobii off then back on, and nothing.
Today did a complete uninstall of all Tobii software, then reinstalled. Did the same routine as above, and get the same result, locks up. Has to be something with using the tablet with Spacedesk.
TheTobii support team wants me to send them the logs, see what they come up with.

It be nice if they can figure it out.

Any word from Spacedesk?

They said the logs show not problem, recommend not using the tablet.

How do you have your tablet set up. mine is directly hooked up to my computer and not using the wiFI. Mine doesn’t crash if I do what was stated above. Also before starting tobi i use the touch screen and move it about and zoom in and out then I start Tobi. If I don’t do that then Tobi will crash as soon as I touch the tablet. IF you cant get it to work there are other programs out there to try.