Today 1.17 Gb (bad) experience

Reloaded all again… and CTD again… plz solve this

We will need a lot more info to be of any assistance.
What are you on PC, Xbox?
What have you tried?
What exactly is happening?

I used the beta… Yesterday Asobo did something with the update, had to reinstall all again on the PC.
Before all was running ok. Also did some adjustments in the virtual memory of the disks in Windows 10.
Now again the same trouble.
I will try to solve the problem again, but this not funny… Many problems the last time.

No, it certainly is frustrating.
If you were on the beta, and didn’t update before yesterday, as Asobo stated, the update would have been forced on your system and that is what probably happened to you.
From the posts on the forum, you weren’t alone.
Good luck with the reinstall.
Let us know how you make out!

I have seen that the Flight Simulator installer crashes in the absence of the network. It stops without being able to perform any action except forcibly closing it. And my provider is very on / off. When you close the installer it damages the graphics drivers. In fact, the installer at the next restart says that there are no minimum requirements. It is ridiculous that such a large program does not make a transparent download for the pc. Paralyzing the PC for a download is crazy, Asobo should be reported. Translated with Google.

Lowering your download speed may be some help.
Often this causes a crash.

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Sorry, all ok now: reinstalled MSFS and it works.
Fortunatelly all my joystick, rudder and throttle settings are saved. Not the same for plane internal views.

A last question:
How can I know that i’n not beta tester for SU7 that caused MSFS yesterday big bang ?

Thank you

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At least you can redo your views.

You would have had to sign up at some point in the past to be a beta tester.
Since the whole sim was removed, and it happened yesterday, I believe this may have been the case.

Non beta testers did not have this issue.

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For every beta there is an opt-in through the insiders preview app. You have to opt in every time, and opt-out in time, otherwise you’ll get kicked off automatically.

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