Toggle ATC window

:white_check_mark: SIM INFORMATION

This is vital information for our test team, please do not skip it or your issue may not be able to be reproduced or fixed.

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or 2024:

  • Version Build Number (Where do I locate that?):

  • Game Platform (Exampe: Steam, Xbox, MS Store):

:white_check_mark: ISSUE DESCRIPTION

  1. Description of the issue:
    Can you bring back the ATC window TOGGLE feature, please? At the moment, I could only find the DISPLAY ATC WINDOW, but I need to close it with the mouse which is quite cumbersome.
    Thank you!

Try to bind „open communication panel“ which seems to act as a toggle.


Just tried that myself but it did not work for me. :thinking:

Press Alt-Enter (PC). Now you can see the Version Build Number.

Yes, the communications panel key bind works for me. Double check you have it configured correctly.

The communications panel key bind works for me too - thx!

Neither “Open Communications Panel” nor “Display ATC” opens or closes the ATC window on my PC, either with a keyboard command or the “A” button on my xbox controller.

Moved to User Support Hub User Interface & Activities since a solution has been marked.

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It works for me, too. Toggles the window on and off. Please check that you don’t have another command mapped to the same key!

@BlitzMeerkat, Yes was one of the first things I checked. On the keyboard, mapped it to a totally unused key. It was working at one point, but somewhere along the way, as I was configuring all my controls, it stopped working. Unmapping all controls to "Open Communications Panel” & “Display ATC” and rebinding them makes no difference. Weird.

I’m using button 2 of my flightstick to toggle that window.

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe this button has something to do with the issue:

Lets see…:

What can I say? :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :man_facepalming:

Not sure if this helps anyone, but a long press of the left D-Pad on my xbox controller opens and closes the ATC window.

Maybe you can see what that’s mapped to…

Brilliant. Thank you

It’s a very frustrating experience with this sim.My Com is ticked as above but still won’t show up.On PC.

I have that problem,I have essential tremor,a genetic defect that causes a tremor when accuracy is required (thanks dad) rendering use of the mouse one handed impossible.Who was the bright spark decided that toggle ATC was not viable and also thought it funny to only provide an open ATC without the option to close it?

Fwiw: I too use a button to toggle the ATC window, as I fly in VR and find it frustrating to not be able to close the ATC window once I’m done.

I think it would also be awesome if the hat switch could be used to navigate the ATC window selection like up and down hat to move within the menu, left hat to go back, and right hat to select if the ATC window is open…that is until we can actually use our microphone to talk back and forth with ATC lol.

thnx for the solution

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is the solution. I too can’t toggle the ATC window using the button I have assigned for it when in VR. Thanks in advance.

Use “Open Communication Panel” instead of “Toggle ATC Window”.

The solution is highlighted at the bottom of the original bug report post.

Illogically “Open….” toggles whereas “Toggle….” only opens.