Tomcat Tuesdays

Are you able to assign buttons? I’m on pc so I’m not sure what all is different on console. I know pc had the same issue with the airbrake not working with the Euro. What fixed it for me was assigning the extract flaps and retract flaps as each having their own button. Make sure you assign it on the right column and not the left. It worked for me after that.

90 hours in the F-14 and 486 hours in the F-15 variants here(Currently on the way from Vancouver to Houston in the F15C). Both are amazing and quite fun to fly. I really don’t think you can go wrong either way.


Now that last Tuesday’s update seems to have been fixed(to some degree), this will be the first official “Tomcat Tuesday” :slight_smile:

Do you all want to depart from Miramar or perhaps depart around a mountainous area?