Too many trees?


While flying over ANY area that has any amount of foliage, the number of trees is extreme even if the number of trees in the options is reduced to the minimum allowable.

I seriously doubt that The Black Forest extends to everywhere. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

Is there any way to reduce the number of trees to a more natural value?



Been a problem since day one…mentioned many times, never fixed or even acknowledged AFAIK.

They just don’t seem to “get” trees.

Maybe there’s none on their planet?

If you are on a PC, this mod does that:

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That setting is for the quality of the trees, not quantity.

Here is the description:
This mod reduces the scale of all trees worldwide to a more realistic level. Also the vegetation in urban areas is drastically reduced.

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Does it fix trees in Greenland? I landed in Sondre Stromfjord and was surprised to see it situated among beautiful conifers…

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IN RL, from the ground, you can look up and see the sky, and think that the surrounding trees could not be blocking the ground that much, but go up in the air, in a plane, or with a drone, and most would be surprise just how little ground surface appears to be visible, and not blocked by tree foliage.


OK, I tried the “Forest Enhancement Mod” on a region in Chesapeake, Virginia; it being the intersection of Dock Landing Road and Portsmouth Boulevard near the Hodge’s Ferry Bridge.

Here is the way it should look, based on Google’s map view and street view.



Here is a view from MSFS prior to the mod being installed.


And after the mod was installed.  Yes, a different view, but you can see that the reduction in trees, if any, is minimal.


I don’t know if it only works in certain areas or not, but it seems totally ineffective to me.

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Not sure if you tried this.

Load the developer mode install the sdk.

Create a polygon and go to properties and then lower the amount of tree your self to your taste.

You can even remove all of them.

To be clear, in the Polygon properties, go to Vegetation, click it on, and pull the vegetation scale slider down (it controls the height, but is the fastest way to get rid of trees and vegetation when you pull it to zero). The Density slider doesn’t work very well.

You can also select a different biome to change the types of trees.

What’s really funny is, while you guys are all saying the trees are too big, up here in the northeast US, the trees in the sim tend to trend on the too small size. 40 to 60 ft trees are the norm around me west of Boston.

The thing to really watch out for is they use trees to cover up TIN trees, and TIN vegetation is always too heavy and really ugly. So when you try to remove trees to get a more realistic view, it looks even worse. I’ll suppress it when I can and grow my own vegetation in TIN areas when I can. But there’s nothing you can do about TIN trees being too dense.

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You and me both, TIN trees… You and me both.


So, TIN trees are less expensive than Aluminum trees?  And that’s why they’re more “poplar”?

(Just kidding!  What’s a “TIN”?)

Works fine here.
Are you using any season mods or any other mods dealing with tree size by any chance? They use the same files, so depending on the loading order, one will cancel the other out.

Also: if you provide screenshots it would be more helpful to display the same area, with approx. The same magnification and viewing angle.

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True, but that’s not always possible.

Have you tried the same place I was at?

Not that I know of.  How can I tell?

TIN is the Photogramettry “mesh”. I forget what it stands for…

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  • TIN = Triangulated Irregular Network

In computer graphics, a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) is a representation of a continuous surface consisting entirely of triangular facets (a triangle mesh), used mainly as Discrete Global Grid in primary elevation modeling.


In geometry, a facet is a feature of a polyhedron, polytope, or related geometric structure, generally of dimension one less than the structure


In elementary geometry, a polytope is a geometric object with flat sides (faces). Polytopes are the generalization of three-dimensional polyhedra


solid figure with many plane faces, typically more than six


a solid figure with many plane faces, typically more than six

Polyhedron and Polyhedra difference

The word derives from the Greek poly (many) plus the Indo-European hedron (seat). A polyhedron is the three-dimensional version of the more general polytope (in the geometric sense), which can be defined in arbitrary dimension. The plural of polyhedron is “polyhedra” (or sometimes “polyhedrons”).


Thank you Google – Now we are all a lot more informed.
Always nice when you learn something when reading the forum

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The southeast US has the same problem. Long leaf pines that typically grow to 100 feet or more have all been shortened to about 60 feet. Dominic Design’s KPNS actually had to add in some taller trees for it to look more correct.

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Did you buy either Rex Accu Season or Bijan Season addon?
Have you put any mods into your Community folder that deal with tree sizes?

No I haven’t tried your area, but it IS working well were I fly most. Will try later.

If you want to do two similar screenshots thats really not difficult to do: just remember the exact point in the map where you load a flight (i.e. a certain building, crossing, bridge etc. and write down altitude, time of day and orientation and replicate after installing the mod and restarting MSFS. Piece of cake

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Ok, I can confirm that it does not seem to work in Virginia. The mod is supposed to change some of the trees and make them look more varied and realistic AND reduce the number of trees. Both do not happen in Chesapeake unfortunately.

without mod

with mod


In Europe it works better. Fewer trees but no longer smaller trees. Looks like Asobo has made changes there by themselves. The ones in Chesapeake also look pretty accurate when it comes to height.
When MSFS came out and the whole discussion about the trees started, all the trees were huge.

without mod

with mod

One thing - a request if you will:
The mod is quite decent, so you might want to think about leaving the comment but removing the bad rating, and instead writing to the author of the mod, so he can check whether there’s something he can do to improve it. After all it’s impossible to check a worldwide mod everywhere. And it’s also not realistic to expect it to always deliver the same results everywhere in the world. The whole MSFS world is too complex for that.

A bad rating normally stays (even though some people promise to change it after the mod is improved - in my personal experience that hasn’t EVER happened though)

Also it is very discouraging for someone who uses his spare time to create something for the community for free. I have seen several developers on abandoning good ideas and promising projects just because the people were callous in their remarks and expected a perfect “product”.

Thanks for considering!


All valid points, and I will go back and change it - but not above “neutral” - because, (IMHO), it doesn’t deliver what it promises - mitigating tree density everywhere.

A simple statement that it’s known to work in [list of places], but that it may not work where you want it to work, would go far to taking the bad taste out of a person’s mouth.  Then it would be a matter of simply adding [place] to the list of places where it doesn’t work, or adding [place] to the list of places where it does work.