If we want to have it realistic they need the atmosphere to behave and be simulated realistic. Thats a simple fact. Then how they will make that happen and at the same time have it accurate to the real world to please those needs to be able to use real world planning tools, i don’t really know. The issue to make a realistic atmosphere in flight simulators has always been the need to have it 100% accurate to real life weather that is happening at this moment. That thing limits devs to make it as realistic as possible i bet.
The thermals forms clouds above those thermals, the thermals is more laminar airflow vertically and the clouds are the thermal that has been turbulent flow that has gotten unpredictable. Thats why it’s better to be under those clouds. not inside.
They need to simulated thermals like this to feel realistic:
Then the question is, how to make a simulation and at the same time make it static to those METARS that may completely change the weather at any time without need to behave like weather as long as it matches those to be able to plan realistic.