I don’t know if this is a bug or if I am issing something obvious.
I took my PPL license and when I go to “missions” there is only 1 available, when I click on it it says: “you need to complete all the specialization prerequisite first”, but this is just an endless loop since I have made the prerequisites already.
Any ideas?
I don’t know if it is relevant, but the only thing out of the ordinary I did was that I had to reset career mode bevcause the home airport I had previosly chosen was buggy with mountains on the taxi and runways making the lessons impossible to follow. So i restarted career mode with a working home airport, toook the PPL license and now I am stuck with the “you need to complete all the specialization prerequisite first” message.
I’m guessing it has to do with the first flight and sightseeing missions disappearing. Those are generally your first missions with which to achieve prerequisites for later/more complex missions. It’s some sort of bug, might have to do with rolling into the new year.
See this thread for details.
OK, so I am missing something here after “First Flight” maybe?
I put my career on ice then, hopefully not forever
Yes, your first few career missions will be the first flight type. With those, you’ll start to meet the prerequisites for the others. They’ve all disappeared at the moment, and when they return you’ll see a LOT of them.
That this has happened on a major global holiday when a lot of people are jumping into things for the first time is another big facepalm moment. But it’s been escalated, so hopefully there’s a fix forthcoming.
I reset my career and now suffer the same issue. It isn’t just you, OP. I should have consulted the forums before taking such drastic action.
Moved to User Support Hub as OP is requesting community assistance
Not doing anything wrong buddy, the game is bugging out
I have exactly the same problem:
- took my first certification
I can see FIRST FLIGHT specialization in green…
So I suppose I can go in Mission.
In Mission, looking aroung ALL the world, I can’t find accessible missions
All of those ask for higher specializations
I have exactly the same problem with my career… after getting my PPL I can’t continue my career and select missions (restarting the career or the game itself doesn’t help)
I have the exact same issue. The first mission after PPL is not showing and the ones that where showing yesterday - which i could not conduct due to my specialization prerequisites - have all dissapeared today.
Same problem. I’ve tried to reset career and changed head quartier. It did not worked
So frustrating.
That’s a known issue. For Skydive missions, for example, you need the CPL, which you currently are unable to achieve due to the lack of first flight missions.
Finally they
Fixed It. all Is working Fine now.
I confirm, it is working as it should (for now)
Yes, you are correct, all fine, my career is back from the dead
This was fixed with a server-side update.