Toolbar Pushback No Tug

Quite impressed with this little mod, not as good as X-planes but hey you never know, I have however got an issue with it, the absence of a pushback tug!, doesnt matter which airport i depart from there is never a tug, looks very odd not having a tug pushing the aircraft, anyone else had the same?.

Haven’t heard of this issue yet. What aircraft are you using when calling for the pushback? Did you try bigger airports like EHAM or KJFK? Are you using the latest Toolbar Pushback version?

I sometimes get the GA pushback “tug” showing up unmanned. Very weird to have a ghost pushing me back. This has been happening long before I installed the mod though.

No Pushback tug is actually the future… You should actually be happy that your session is actually futureproofed.

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That aircraft needs more warning signs

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Hi, Yes I am V1.1.0 which is the current one, i have found the issue with the following aircraft, A320 FBW, 787 HD and the 747, seems to be pretty much every airport. will try and be a bit more specific later on.

check the aircraft.cfg
for example the JF piper has the pushback disabled
you have to change it from the cfg file (0=> 1 )
I don’t think this is your problem because otherwise everyone would have it
but that’s good to know, especially for some GAs who come out with pushback disabled in the cfg file :wink:

Yep, that’s because it’s unrealistic. During pushback the small manual tow bar is shown which is used in most airports for such light weight aircraft.
These huge manned yellow machines are almost nowhere in use for small piston aircraft.

But TO says the tow truck on the A320 is missing and that should not be the issue of the aircraft.cfg, rather with the parking positions/airports they are trying with.

MSFS has two “tugs” though. The big tug for stuff like the A320, and a little red tug about man-sized.

That’s interesting, because all the default Asobo tubeliners do not have that line at all in their cfg file, the FBW does, and its =1, I tend to agree with Coppersens, i think its down to gate/parking positions…

it is true that it is not realistic
but it’s the only way to get the plane out of the hangar
the stock pushback does not allow it, thanks to AmbitiousPilots’s mod I can avoid turning on the engines inside the hangar to go out :slight_smile:

sorry for OT :relaxed:

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Call the tug from FBW32X panel and then control it through the addon.
I get that absense of tug myself

No, it isn’t. A simple tow bar is totally sufficient to turn and pull a piper around. Surely there are motorized solutions, but on most airports you won’t have them.
Not sure why Asobo thought they’d have that expensive equipment on every small airport.

the only way… in the sim :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:

Nope, that’s why JustFlight decided to add the simple tow bar and disable the default pushback equipment. And they are totally right to do so.

I just wanted to say that re-enabling that motorized equipment is NOT adding realism, it’s the opposite. Just use the pushback like you would do it manually with a Piper. No other personnel needed.

i am using pushback in a realistic way
as shown in the photo above and also in this one, the airport I am developing (LIMB, Milano Bresso) pulls the planes out of the hangar just like I do in the Sim
maybe to reach 100% realism it would be necessary for man to also look ahead, instead he only looks behind :slight_smile:
but for this I think that AmbitiousPilots can’t do anything about it :smiley:

so it is very realistic IMHO :sunglasses:

Now I’m wondering why I see a different style mini-pushback tug…

I’ve always seen this type of smallPB
is yours different?
maybe there is some difference by geographical area?

Like this?

Mine is red and looks similar to the small PB that @G14NLV has but smaller. I wonder if there are three models (or more)