I have created several new landing challenges in the style of the new DCL.
I have a frequency problem. The carrier has a frequency of 135,970 to be able to hear ship ATC(LSO). When I set this frequency in the FLT file. it looks like this:
When the landing challenge is loading, on to my saitek radio panel is COM1 ACT 135.970 but as soon as the challenge loads, COM1 ACT turns into a local frequency (mostly Approach or Center) and LSO does not work. My workaround is that I set the COM1 STBY to 135.970 and after the switch, the frequency is already correct and the LSO is working as intended.
In Asobo original challenge is this:
;test to set comm1 active by default
I have no idea what 168.531 frequency is.
Any idea how to prevent local frequency from being automatically tuned to COM1 ACT ?