Maverick challenge and Marketplace gray and will not load up, everything else is working correctly, I appreciate the feedback.
Moved to #self-service:online-services-activities
Go to Settings > General > Data, and turn off Online Functionality, then save, then back on, then save, then restart the sim and try again.
Since my last update now I am not able to select both Maverick (top left corner) and shop (bottom right corner)? Why? How do I fix it?
Thanks for help
The greyed-out icons at the top of the screen indicate you’re not connected online. Go to the General Options page and make sure your online connectivity wasn’t turned off by the update.
Thanks a lot…that sorted out the problem…
For the Last Three Days In the opening Screen on MSFS the boxes for Maverick Activaties and The store are greyed out. antone else had this is there a work around. Thanks
Is Online Functionality on?
Options > General Options > Data
Thanks that sorted it. Hadn’t thought of that after having to reinstall the sim.
Thanks Michael