Top rated aircraft sale, October 13-20, 2024

Hello, I noticed that before the discount on the highest rated aircraft, the base prices of the PMDG 737-700 and 800, the BAE146 Pro and the Fokker28 Pro from Just Flight, were €70.
During the discount period, the base prices (crossed out prices) are €76.99 before discount
Why are the crossed out prices not €70 as before the discount period?
In this case, these are no longer real sales as you want us to believe and this is called: “misleading the consumer”.
There is a very large community of virtual pilots who use your simulator, it is deplorable to take us for fools.
Please stop using this kind of misleading practices for your next sales, if you want to maintain a good image of your brand.
You are doing a good job, don’t waste it.


Relax. It has nothing to do with this sale.

I don’t think it really matters (UK law on this, is I believe, that the price has to be that somewhere in the last year, no idea for anywhere else).

I ignored the before price, I knew roughly what it was anyway.

The six million dollar question is , do you pay that for that ; I bought the PMDG 737/800 for £40 which I thought was a bargain (I also bought the 707, which is not great by some accounts, but I was happy with AH C140 and it’s cheap)

They just increased the prices on the Marketplace one or two weeks ago. So the BAE146 really is 76,99 euros now. If you’re not on xbox better buy it from JustFlight.

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Topic closed as this was discussed in the link mentioned above.