Is it just me or has the TOP topics list changed in the last couple of days? The post with recent wu6 issues have dissapeared from the list, but as far as i know nothing have been fixed so far. Maybe a coincidence, it just seems strange?
Hi @ForzaSportX,
Are you referring to the Feedback Snapshot from the Development Update?
If so, this snapshot is for VR only. Next week will have the updated Feedback Snapshot.
Or are you referring to:
Top topics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
No, i am referring to the most TOP active Topics list. I saw several theads dealing with WU 6 issues a couple of days ago, but now they seems to have become inactive. It just seems strange when there for sure still is issues to be discussed.
Generally, right after updates, topics are “hot” in General Discussion #community:general-discussion-feedback and will fade out over a few days. However, topics in #bugs-and-issues will rise.
Exactly thats how the systems works, but I just remember that after SU5 HOT topics stayed HOT pretty long time, just strange this time?
Indeed. Or everyone took off for the weekend.
There’s a workaround for this,
SU-5 is a while ago. Use the combo box. When you enter the Top section, you only see the last week. Use the combo to select the Month, instead of Week. Then, click on “Activity” to sort the most recent. You’ll see which of your favorite SU-5 grievances topics were closed, or not submitted in for 7 days.
Thanks a lot, but I know how find previus threads. But I have now identified that many of the threads that where TOP topics a few days ago is now closed, so thats explains why discussion in these treads has stopped.
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