I have a Turtle beach velocity one yoke and quadrant, updated to latest firmware, i use it on the pc.
The black and blue TPM leavers will not go forward properly. They either go half way and stop and not provide enough engine power for take off, or the Levers will jump halfway to full throttle. I have tried this in reverse axis and the same problem arises. I have calibrated the yoke and quadrant in windows and on the yoke itself and it all works fine, but not in mfs flight sim. I tried the yoke and quadrant in xplane12 demo and the black and red TPM levers work fine, they move fully as a I push the black tmp lever forward and back.
The prop tmp lever goes forward and back fully in xplane 12 demo and Mfs sim 2020. I have even rolled back the firmware on the yoke and the black and blue tmp levers do not work properly in MFS fligh sim 2020. I have even uninstall MFS flight sim and put in on a new drive - did not work. Also i calibrated the Yoke via the latter’s in house calibration on it. All works fine but has no effect on MFS2020, the black and blue tmp lever does not work. I am at a lost as the yoke works in xplane, i did have the same problem in war thunder though, in that the black tmp lever would jump forward after the half way mark.
The Yoke is connected to the pc and yes i did chose the pc option on the yoke.
So please advise.
Best Wishes