Track-IR and CTDs

Track-IR basically works as expected, HOWEVER. I have had multiple experiences previously where I got a CTD when I have moved my view as far as i can go and it stops moving. Quite often, I will then have a sim pause, sound cuts in and out twice and then immediate CTD.

When I was getting CTDs soon after release in November I logged multiple tickets with logs but never had any clear feendback.

Today was the first one in the Beta but it’s frustrating to still have this issue. Note - this does not happen in 2020 (or X-plane) so it’s a combination of 2024 and track-ir. (IMNSHO)

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same I experience CTD with Tobii, Im sure its also related to VRAM leak, as this kind of products use VRAM.

So FS2024 suffer an issue with memory leak and memory gestion.

It results in CTD. Same with GSX I cant use it
without these products Im able to fly .

Hope they fix it fast !