Tracking Live Traffic Flights

OK, live traffic working pretty good. I compare flights to flight aware, info. Not all showing, but thats understandable.
WHAT I want! :slight_smile:
In Flight Aware I can key in a tail number and watch this flight. I would love this capability in the Sim.

My son is a private pilot and I enjoy taking off when he does, and following him around. I can do it now, but even though his ADS-B out is on, and he is visible in Flight Aware, only once have I been able to pick his flight up in the sim, and follow his plane. I know about the delay, that is not an issue.

Ideally it would be great to type in the Tail number of a real flight, and msfs could locate and prioritize that flight vs putting up a random group of what is up, as it is now.

ALTERNATES: As various flights are visible in msfs inside the map window, it would be cool to be able to click on those to see who they are, before you can pick them up visually. Or what about typing in a flight number in the welcome world window and when you click “Fly”, the sim puts your airplane behind the flight at same altitude…

WHAT Do YOU Think?

In FSX, P3D and many other simulators, we could monitor other aircraft traffic from the traffic section in the menu opened by right-clicking in the simulator. I would look at AI or online traffic in other simulators while turning on the APU or at least continuing from cruise. However, I saw that there is no such feature right now.

I think it would be nice to add such a feature to this simulator.