A few days ago TrackIR crashed when I was centering the view. Since then the program won’t launch anymore. When launching the software there’s only a white screen with a title bar saying TrackIR 5.4 (not responding).
I deinstalled and reinstalled TrackIR software for several times, but this does not help.
Is there anybody else with such an issue or somebody who knows a solution?
Oddly enough i hadn’t had thát particular issue… but i did have one where it was not responding… i simply pulled it out of the USB-hub, waited for windows to acknowledge it was gone, and plugged it back in again.
I’ve not had an issue like yours.
Edit… Also, did you reboot prior to reinstall? (might be hidden traces still running in the background)
Nothing happens if I disconnect from USB. I also tried with different USB connectors. It’s also the same if the TrackIR device is not connected to USB. In every case there is just that white screen displayed.
Check the connectors with other USB devices to make sure they are working… I would guess that the IR sensor has died. Not sure how one would test that
On mine (TrackIR 5 Pro), even though my headset piece has LED emitters, the receiver also has LEDs, both the left and right status ones, but the IR ones under the red plastic. So if those don’t light up, I’d say it’s not connected or working.
Does Windows even make the USB connecting sound when you plug it in? How about if you plug it straight into the PC? I used to use a USB hub, but I had lots of problems with things getting disconnected or stopping working, so now I plug things right into my PC. I think lots of USB hubs are either picky or poor quality.
I have the same Pro 5. Mine does make the sound. Although if the program is not running then the light does not come on.
I second this. My TrackIR work very “sporadically” when I connect it to USB hub. Just like my headphones. I think it is not shoddy hardware but a limitation of the USB protocol. I use USB hub for keyboard mouse and controllers, this works well.
Thanks to everybody for the replies - My issue is solved! After some more research in the internet I found a hint regarding the ‘Settings.xml’ file.
I just deleted the ‘Settings.xml’ file under %APPDATA%/NaturalPoint/TrackIR 5 and now TrackIR is working fine. So the somehow corrupted Settings.xml file caused the issue.
Next time TrackIR starts after the file deletion it will create a new Settings.xml file.
Well Done Aunty! Enjoy your flights!
(got trueview ticked?
it’s amazing looking into the cabin over yer shoulder )
Awesome, thx. Fixed my issue too.
Thanks, this has saved me twice now (as I forgot how to resolve it the first time it happened)
This absolutely fixed the issue. if you are a windows newb, to find the %appdata% folder follow the path:
C:\users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\NaturalPoint\TrackIR 5
Just delete the Settings.xml file and you should be good to go. 
My TrackIR5 was not having any issues until, today. This FIX, solved my problem as well.
August 19, 2022
This fix didn’t work for me. I have tried EVERYTHING. It appears to be a conflict with the most recent Nvidia drivers. I went back to an older driver and it started working again. But I need to use the most recent Nvidia driver for the best performance with SU10. Went to the natural point forum and the response there was poor. Stated that they will not be coming out with an update to their software anytime soon since they can’t reproduce the issue. Very dissapointing.