yeah, this is the most frustating thing at the moment, with AIGTC/AIGAIM we had so far no SimUpdate that has not caused any issue, so far we have found for almost everything some workaround, but the time we had to spend on workarounds could have been spend on new stuff…
Lets see what Asobo develops, so far I have 2 ideas for a possible workaround, lets see if it is needed
Will the landing issues be fixed in the final release of SU11? That’d be really important for the AI addons that we have. Right now landings are almost broken with FSLTL.
So far from an FSLTL perspective i’ve tried a number of workarounds, none of which have achieved good results. For us the use of incorrect arrival procedures and aircraft near to the airport turning and heading back to the transition point is just as impactful as altitude issues at landing. I’ve asked Asobo for guidance on workarounds after their confirmation on my dev support ticket of no further fixes in this space for SU11.
Once SU11 releases we will see what we can achieve but ultimately this needs Asobo to properly address.
I’m wondering why they feel the need to roll it out at all instead of parking sim traffic updates to be worked on by interested parties until they are fixed for future release. Seems crazy having a celebratory 40th anniversary edition that breaks simconnect injected ai traffic.
Nope, no improvements are needed - instead a complete restart on this would be better. It’s 2022 and they try to improve and build upon stuff from 2003
This way also native helicopter and glider support for traffic could be included, too.
I have included the findings we as AIG have made into the DevSupport topic by FSLTL so Asobo has more input they can use to fix the issues. In addition to that we will provide soon as list with possible changes/improvments regarding the STAR usage by AI to MS/Asobo.
I really wish they didn’t include traffic changes in the beta as we’ll probably have to deal with the FSLTL/AIG limitations until SU12. It feels a bit strange saying this, as improvements to AI traffic has been on top of my wishlist for a while.
My own personal opinion. I would rather have the injected AI fixed than have broken AI and new aircraft. I don’t understand why they can’t leave the AI as it is in SU10 and work on it later. And if they release Live Traffic the way it is now in SU11-beta, then the final SU11 release will be a mess.
Somehow they may have had to touch the ai system because of the glider stuff (tow planes in both single player and multiplayer modes) and/or missions - Maybe they wanted also to sneak in some more fixes in this move (like the fix for aircraft turning in circles on ground) and somehow were able to break other aspects
So my guess is that they cannot simply revert to the SU10 state on traffic as it would break other aspects needed for the new stuff.
Don’t you dare releasing this while breaking FSLTL. Either pull the AI “fixes” out or do it the right way. Unless you have a proper strategy for a hotfix release quite fast.
Maybe they have a surprise for us and the 40th anniversary edition will not only include all real world liveries ( at least Joerg has announced them more than 2 years ago) and a bigger variety and more realistic looking AI models so we don`t even need any 3rd party solution any longer…