What traffic settings do people use on the series x as I’ve just been in jfk and there was only a hand full of aircraft at the gate and nothing traffic that’s unrealistic it’s quite boring not having to wait for traffic to taxi past or wait in a line to take off
This multiplayer with ai traffic
I’ve tried live traffic that isn’t much different to be fair
I think it might be limiting traffic similar to how it limits the objects drawn (LOD) based on a combination of memory usage and server load, but I’m guessing. A lot of the time on Xbox X with Live traffic, flying the 787, I will get a few planes on the tarmac and taxiways, and usually the ATC is busier than the visual. In flight I will see a plane out the window that hasn’t registered on TCAS, or a plane on TCAS that is not displayed out the window. It seems very hit and miss to me
Atleast I’m not the only one. For me it spoils the game hugely when I have everything set to max and nothing is there. I’ve got enough broadband etc if that helps 500 meg
I might play with reducing over settings try get it to work
I don’t use AI traffic. I use real life traffic, but multiplayer disabled. My Sim really has lots and lots of traffic.
There are some settings i have changed thought. Out of my head, i set the amount of aircraft to zero. This sounds crazy, but it has to do with the LVFR static aircraft addon.
Thanks for that I’ve had a look and can’t find the Lvfr on the series x but knowing me I was looking in the wrong place
Edit just found it I’ll try your settings before buying this and see how it looks as I ain’t too fussed about traffic at the gates it’s just being able to follow aircraft etc
I’m guessing with this on it’ll be hard to find an airport with no traffic but it does only list 400 is it worth it ?
Are you talking about a pc app/program for this game, or what’s built in? I was confused thinking if you just talking about the AI that is parked at the gates. Right now Microsoft has just AirbusA320, Cessna 172, Cessna Skyhawk, Daher TBM 930, and Generic as the “low poly” Ai aircraft.
LFVR I install/uninstall periodically as some of my favorite go-to 3rd party aircraft gets doubles there. If I’m flying to destinations I don’t have airports for, I use it. Only takes a minute or two to reinstall. LVFR aircraft don’t move.
For traffic I use live traffic and ground AIRCRAFT at 100, ground vehicles around ~30% or so. Although I got stuck in a line behind 7 or so airliners the other day and got sick of waiting as the arrivals were constant too. Was amazed there was no ‘go arounds’ that used to be constant in the sim.
I find if you ‘hang’ on the map screen before starting not totally zoomed for a short bit in you’ll see everything load in a bunch of green dots and you get more traffic. The offline/AI traffic tends to be a bunch of generic stuff often flying as low as 200’ AGL just bee-bopping along.