Hey there,
i have a problem with the motorized trim wheel from Simkits which i purchased here:
Unfortunately, the support from Simkits is, when they answer after some reminders, let’s say improvable.
So i decided to ask here for support. Maybe someone owns this wheel and went through the same problems.
On behalf of my uncle I have compiled and assembled a motion simulator with all the hardware and peripherals for him. He loves it, but as a real life pilot always complains about the poor trimming in MSFS. This led to the purchase of above mentioned trim wheel.
So when it arrived at my place, i tested it on my computer to be sure it works. I had no problems on my computer and still don’t have, the trim wheel works as expected in MSFS 2020. Turning the wheel sets the trimming ingame, and vica versa changing the trimming ingame will move the wheel. The trim wheel also follows the autopilot nicely.
When i brought it to my uncle and installed the necessary driver there, to my surprise it did not work at all. I am not able to calibrate the trim wheel with the TRC app. Clicking on the button to start the calibration process does nothing. Without calibration, the trim wheel is nonfunctional and the app reports “Calibration not loaded”.
Simkits support suggests it has something to do with USB 3.0. I should buy a PCIe USB 2.0 expansion card. But the Motherboard has 2x USB 2.0 ports, and the calibration does not work on them either, even though the wheel is recognized by the TRC app. On my computer, the trim wheel works with USB 3.0.
So my idea was to copy the trim file (file generated after successful calibration) from my computer to the uncle’s computer. It works, the TRC app now reports the trim wheel as calibrated and within this app i can assign two of the Thrustmaster Boeing Yoke buttons to trim up and down. Pressing these will move the wheel accordingly, as long as the TRC app is running. But when i launch MSFS and as soon as the TRC app reports connection with MSFS (“Simconnect: Connected”), it will stop working. Pressing the previously assigned buttons does nothing anymore. Closing MSFS will make the buttons work again as soon as the TRC app reports “Simconnect: Not connected”.
Next suggestion from Simkits support is to use FSUIPC and an alternate TRC sotware package compatible with FSUIPC.
Does not work either. I am able to calibrate the trim wheel now, but as soon as i press the “Connect to FS(X)” button which you have to press manually in this version of the TRC software, the ingame trim value jumps to 100%. It is not possible to change that value, it will always stay at 100%, as if the trim wheel is constantly firing way too high values.
I reported this new findings to Simkits support too, 1 full month ago, with a reminder two weeks ago, got no answer till today.
We both have MSFS 2020 on Windows 11 Pro 23H2 and all the newest drivers, patches and firmware installed.
Next step would be to uninstall MSFS on his pc and reinstall everything again. But this will take some hours if not the whole day. So i hope i can avoid that and someone with the same wheel and experience can point me to the right direction.