Tree collisions

Sorry for my weird title but english is not my first language. Does it have option about the tree when a plane or helicoptere hit a tree or fly in the tree nothing happeb when we fly through theme. I hope you understand my question or that something they will fix in a near futur ???

Hello @simus358890,
I’ve altered your title to use the word: collisions :+1:

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I thought there was an option to turn off plane damage in the main menu.
Edit: This setting should help you out.


thanks you


You’re welcome. :cowboy_hat_face:

It shall be noted that this option - while very useful - disables collision with any objects. Specifically also the ground :wink:

Bit confused. I thought you were asking why can we fly into trees without a collision being detected.

Turning on collisions won’t work.

Trees don’t trigger unfortunately.

Adding as an option might be nice. I personally wouldn’t like every tree touch to be considered a collision.

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Trees do have collision. The collision can be disabled in the menue. It makes no sense to disable tree collision but keep the collision with other objects - either the plane collides with stuff or not :man_shrugging:
The corrent solution seems fine to me …

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Interesting topic. I had a friend who landed a PA28 warrior with branches stuck in the wheels!!
So if you collide with a tree you should also be able to brush the top without crashing. Shall we put it on the Wishlist. That will give Seb something else to worry about.

From my experience the collision boxes are not pixel perfect, so choping off the tip of a tree is perfectly possible - just not animated :rofl:

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Personal Comments

Correct. It’s entirely possible to visually come into contact with trees and not collide in the sim.


I’ve dragged tires through trees a few times here ( because the trees, which shouldn’t have been there at all, and were 3x too big - were well into the glide path for the runway and denying 1/3 of the runway :stuck_out_tongue: ) and gotten a black screen. Same with taxing and putting a wingtip through the edge of a branch.

We need a combination of better tree generation ( and AI sorting out small bushes vs 15m trees, plus not scaling all the trees to 3-4x size )

The trees that are there should have collision on the trunks, but not the overall volume.

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If tree collision result in crashes, they first need to remove all the trees close to airports. In many airports the trees are very close to the runway and you must fly through the trees while landing.

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That was my first thought… any prepared airport would have runway obstacle clearance for the most part ( not everywhere, obviously or there wouldn’t be displaced thresholds ) - but if they did that by algorithm then it would eliminate some of the challenge of bush strips…

Unless they didn’t apply obstacle clearance to dirt and grass runways, and did to paved runways… IDK

My collision is turned off LOL!!
NO WONDER trees were not triggering.

I was busy testing it after reading all the posts.
Then went to screenshot evidence and it was off …

Oh dear.

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That’s a confusing way to word it. It most certainly doesn’t disable any collisions with other objects than trees.

You still can very much collide with other objects like buildings, power masts, wind turbines and the ground. The only difference is that you can now see the aircraft careene physically correct, tip over, stick out of water etc. instead of just being presented with a black screen, forcing you to restart the flight. It’s much more fun that way.

And yeah, you now can just fly through trees, but that’s the only downside. You might even say that’s still a plus, because the collision detection with trees is too imprecise anyway, falsely detecting crashes when none should have occurred.

I use an economy mod so I cannot turn off collisions but I had an experience where I did not receive credit for a several hour flight because I collided with trees on a taxiway at night. The trees certainly did not belong on a taxiway at an international airport (TJSJ). My solution is to no longer fly to San Juan. :disappointed:

Well, of course I meant “fatal collissions” :wink: But it’s true what you said about being able to fly through trees and bouncing off the ground; which, yes, implies that collision detection with the ground (and I think buildings, too, at least with some types of buildings) is still in place.

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Most definitely. :smiley:

You can even get stuck on powerlines sometimes when you use mamu’s Powerlines & Solar Farms addon:

Please don’t ask me how I know that. I’m a professional! :smiley:

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