Tree Draw Distance / LOD Issues

You can still change this in your config file.
Find the following lines there

	LoDFactor 2.000000
	LoDFactor 2.000000

and change the value to something higher (4.000000 or 8.000000). Make sure to make the file read only afterwards.

Will eat up some FPS (especially in photogrammetry area’s).

also, I think you picked the worst one of the lot in that trailer. That island might just be sparse, I don’t know.

This one looks better

thanks for the reply but I have already tried increasing both LoD’s (objets and terrain) but neither will work with vegetation (and since the last patch the fps drop just by upping from 2 to 4 is massive). There is no known way at the moment to increase trees rendering distance, which is worriying me, as it seems to be a somehow hard coded thing. I take one of the worst moment but to be honest, the whole trailer looks awful in terms of vegetation and a thousands times worse than it looked in old screens (alphas). I think they degraded this to an unacceptable level imho.

I also thing after the latest patch it’s gotten worse. Essentially performance improvement was gained by reducing scenery?


guys please!, this must be upvoted much more. Trees (vegetation in general) have suffered an extreme downgrade. Blending with the scenery is awful and the way they are faded is a huge step back compared to the previous technique.

Instead of a smooth, same density, blending like the option “1”, the old one, now the trees are faded by lowering the density :flushed: :man_facepalming:t2: prior to fading out, option “2”. This looks awful because you can note how trees appear where apparenty there was nothing.

Things get even worse when drawing distance is reduced like 10X with respect previous builds. Visually, this is the most important downgrade at the moment, because trees are all over the world.

I know there are places where this seem to be a bit mitigated but overall most places look horrible now due to this problem. We need at least, 4X the actual drawing distance for trees.

Please Asobo, simply make this adjustable with a slider in the settings, allow for 10X longer drawing distance. Let US decide if we want to lower it to get better performance!!!


Totally agree with this post! personally in some places (above all, over slopes and with crest in the distance) I prefer not to have trees at all than seeing such an unnatural landscape.

It is something to be fixed, please!

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Some PR material, it is incredible how much they downgraded this:

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I just voted because this really is an issue.

Also, imagine how a very limited draw size would look with autumn colors on trees. It would be a very noticeable line of trees in a short distance.


More votes please.

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Here we’ve got a typical illustration of this problem, just look at the trees in the background.
Plus : the creek on the slope, does it look like a creek or an highway ?

Yeah, for some reason, it seems like the AI is failing to place individual trees or forest with the accuracy it used to. Now, trees seem to be placed in huge patches all over the place with constant density pattern (or maybe the ugly fading is causing this alone:

as a side note:

Why on earth are bushes (even the grass) casting shadows while the trees (bigs or smalls) are not??? :flushed:

How did you open the door to the TBM?

thats from the old alphas where it was possible (not my screens anyway, sorry). Have no idea why they removed that feature.

nothing better after this patch…

they also (fully) broke the water. This is so sad. :man_facepalming:t2:

The Good Ole Days:

This was a featured in the 7-16-20 update so I’m not breaking any NDA reposting this.

Look how much fuller/farther the LOD used to be!

Here’s a shot from today 9-30-20

Certainly not as satisfying.

Sure hope this can be restored as what we have now is less stunning comparatively! :pleading_face:



Yes LOD seems worse from release date. Vote from me.

Agree, and also the water looks different now.

preparation for the XBOX Release? Yes


I can’t find the usercfg file in the path you mentioned . Any idea where it could be? I installed the boxed version and access via Microsoft store.

Yes, that or preparation for VR.

It can also be server overwhelmed, in Alpha with low people was okay, now they can’t send all that data to everyone