Tree Draw Distance / LOD Issues

I think it is really amazing how this is an ongoing, living being, with continuous improvement and additions through feedback. I feel that it is well worth my original investment (and I bought a NEW system). It is an immersive hobby for sure. I definitely would like the vegetation realism and some other scenery issues resolved, though. Thanks. :grin:


■■■■!, looks like this mod stopped working with last update! :tired_face:

EDIT:forget it, I downloaded last version and it is working again! :slightly_smiling_face:


Coming into CYUL (or any airport for that matter) the buildings and vegetation cut is as clear as day.
Is this going to be pushed WAY further back at some point or no plans yet?
Yes, it’s a fresh install, no I don’t have any funky 3rd party addons, attached I also put my graphics settings, system is a 7700k, 32GB 3200mhz and a old but gold 1080ti still going strong.

I want to imagine this has become an issue since the vegetation draw distance mod became unusable :frowning: which is earlier this year, can’t remember exactly when, February maybe.

On the plus side (I mean, not everything can be negative, hehe) Performance is ■■■■ good, sure I get a little hiccups loading into a photogrammetry city in the 747,320 and big jets but hey, still very playable and enjoyable so hats off to that, very impressive :smiley:

they say they will do something about it after the dx12 update.

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Bring on DX12, hehe

Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

After Sim Update 3 the trees in the distance have been removed. This looks so terrible.

Bought a RTX 3090 and the Reverb G2 for best possible immersion!
Best possible immersion by spending thousands of euros without the trees issue beeing fixed is like burning money. I can’t enjoy the sim anymore. :rage:

It should be fix!

Thanks in advance.

already opened a zendesk request: Request #96943

@ all: please raise your voice
I think we should also launch as much zendesk requests as possible related to this issue.
So please take the time when you think it is worth and follow this link:
Submit a request – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

This is no discussion thread. Please only post your zendesk request IDs (if any) related to this problem.

Thanks for posting to a vote!

#97008 with Vegitation draw distance fix with Vegitation draw distance fix LOD 500!

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Ticket #96987

All with LOD200, Trees Ultra with Vegetation Draw Distance Fix stock with Vegetation Draw Distance Fix


Yeah, didn’t pay that much attention to the scenery while trying out the Just Flight Arrow yesterday, but wow… clearcutting all the trees halfway to the horizon is ridiculous…

Worse visuals and worse performance. I guess that’s a twofer.


I said it in another thread of all the times an emergency patch was produced to correct a glaring oversite I’m surprised that hasn’t been the case this time.

Big MSFS / Asobo supporter here, but this LOD issue is something that makes the sim hard to use now with the decreased LOD…immersion is seriously broken for me.

Not to mention the performance issues introduced with SU3.

Hard to believe that this is going on without any comment from Asobo.


Ticket #97156

Everything was already said, this is just not acceptable:


The problem is that they don’t understand what they broke. Everyone mentions LOD or Tree LOD but that’s not what happened. You can set your LOD values in Sim but you can also set them in a config file and have outrageous LODs at a huge performance hit. That’s not what I want back.

What the tree fix did was took advantage of how far trees (and trees alone) were drawn out by tying that to the largest tree size. Some ingenuous individuals figured out this and also figured out that if you make a single tree extremely tall (but also extremely rare so you don’t see it), that trees would be drawn out to much more distance. You could literally have trees drawn as far as you could see without having the performance hit that simply increasing the LOD settings gave you.

So I don’t want them to fix the “LOD” settings. I want them to fix the tree (and tree alone) draw distance like we did with the tree fix. This provided the trees out to the horizon without the FPS hit and this is what we either need back, or another way to do the same thing.


What airport is that?

This is spot on! Please @AviatorETSI change the title of this Thread to “Low Draw Distance of Trees after Sim Update 3” instead of LOD. LOD stands for level of detail and this is not our primary issue. It’s the draw distance.

As many have mentioned before, the best solution would be to give us a draw distance slider in the menu. There is already a wish-list thread for this here: Vegetation render distance slider (separated from terrain/objects LOD) for performance
Let’s hope for the best.


I dont have idea what happened but the last MSFS update destroyed the Immersion because I cant see tree’s far away anymore😡

Its not my problem to investigate what happened and how I should fix it. I paid for a good sim and asobo has to fix it.

I really love MSFS 2020, its by far the best sim!!! But such ussues ruins everything… before the last update the performance and immersion was fantastic.

Please, please, please… Fix it…


Then please, please please VOTE for it on the link above!


I wonder if this is one of the reasons I have really smooth fps with this update. Didn’t change a setting and all the micro shutters are gone. Maybe or maybe not. It is very noticeable though.