Tree LOD is now related to Latitude?

After doing some tests, I came up to the conclusion that Tree LOD is now related to Latitude.
LOD decreases as you fly toward north or south pole since the squares get smaller.
I tested the same setting in different part of the world and you can see in screenshots below how it changes with latitude.
This was not the case before the last sim update. I wonder why they would change it based on latitude.


Possibly because at higher latitude there likely are less trees in average (no massive jungles and such), so you can visualize them farther away for the same performance?

Just spitballing, but seems to make sense to me.

Edit: Nevermind, I actually underestood the exact opposite of what you described. I’ve got nothing, unless they wanted to do it like I said (trees visible further away at higher latitudes) and someone screwed up a variable.

You guys are wasting your time. Some chap at Asobo had a bad morning coffee and messed something up in the code. Now you guys spend ages trying to dissect and understand the ‘newest’ featue lol

Just let the simulator rest for a year and come back when alpha phase is over and all is properly tested and fixed on Asobo’s side.


I was just marvelling at the fact you found trees at the north pole. I am going to assume you were at the magnetic pole not the geographic one. :wink:

There were no trees there. I edited the biome file to place trees there to test for LOD. :slight_smile:

I have notice this also, when I fly at home in middle of Sweden it is very bad, but the further south I fly, the better it gets.

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Well, just another point on the growing list that gives the impression that not even Asobo themselves really understand what their engine is doing…


There are shrubs at Alert, CA 82.5 degrees North.

It’s abysmal, Terrain 100 and affects everything, not just trees

Terrain 200

Here is Pontianak, Indonesia (on the equator) Terrain 10 (lowest possible)

Already looks further than max at Alert

Terrain 100

Yes I’m sure they don’t know what their engine is doing…despite writing it.

They probably didn’t anticipate this being an issue or thought it an acceptable sacrifice to simplify their lod code. Who knows…

I do have one question. Was this tested with your tree lod? Just wondering because if it’s true, then the default tree lod has taken a real hit in the wrong direction, as it was and still is dismal at best, compared to your tree lod IMO.


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