Tree modification possibilities ... again

I know that this has been talked about quite a bit, but has anyone had any luck in reducing tree density, height, location appropriateness, eg currently in Hollywood Hills/north LA areas, hills and canyons … I have the Bijan 4 Seasons (good for adding local variety to trees and some realism and diversity), and freeware Shorter Trees and Forest Enhancement with only a little improvement … I know there may not be much that can be done at present … I am pretty impressed with the areas that are more dirt and scrub though … thanks :nerd_face:

I’m not sure if this mod specifically does anything with trees, but it is for the area and adds several enhancements. Maybe worth a look?

I don’t think the LA scenery does what he wants but if you search, there are a number of " Foliage & Water Cleanup" mods for many places.

here is one for southern CA:

That particular guy does a lot of similar mods:

While placement can be adjusted and cleaned up, the trees themselves is a different issue.

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