Trees appearing in dashed lines in an area for no obvious reason

I fly out of EGSU most of the time and suddenly this evening the area around EGSU seems to have lost almost all the trees. If I fly West towards after about 10mins I see the trees as the normally are. If I move to another area trees look normal, lots of them just as I would expect. Seems to be a large part of Cambridgeshire going into Norfolk that is effected. Anyone seen anything like this before? The border between normal trees and sparse actually follows a straight line.

Am using Rex Accuseason and have tried obvious things like emptying community folder, clearing rolling cache

They are generated randomly within the polygon area that defines the boundaries of the forest. So you will not have the same amount of them always but as an average you will have the same forest density. This problem you see happens when the size of some of the generated trees in the forest changes a bit. For instance if a big tree is placed, in order to keep the configured target density, either smaller ones are generated next to it or just an empty space could be left. If many empty spaces happen to be created this results in an apparently less dense area but it will just have some more big trees. You can check that but spawing at the same point during several flights in a row or by placing a vegetation polygon in the scenery editor.

Another possibility is that they updated the trees area definitions server side for that area as part of an update. Who knows…


I think this might be something else.

  1. It seems to be a large area, going into Europe too. As you can see from the above screenshots there is a defined border.
  2. Here is another screenshot showing how the area where normal tree population abruptly stops
  3. I have also noticed that in the area where the trees are not showing properly I have these dashed lines of trees

I have deleted the content.xml and sceneryindexes *.dat files but that hasn’t solved this either. This is happening in an area I fly in the most and only just happened yesterday. On Sunday the area was fine.

Problem went away when I uninstalled ORBX London City V2 and reinstalled